ATX Tower Side Window

Jul 23, 2005
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I have a jeantech case and it's massive, about 3foot tall i was wondering if you guys think it would be any good if i got my dad to jig-saw a large square in one side for the window.

The trouble with this is, if we do-do a larger window then the normal window kits are way to small.

So, what i need is:

Reccomendations on what to use for the window iteself.
What is best to keep the window tight and secure?
How can i keep it clean from metal shredding?

Also, what is the best mod sites in UK, i want to go start modding :)

Thanks for replying.

Kustom pc windows are way to small, i think i need to goto B&Q but what type of 'window' do i need? 4mm perspec?

Also, what is the best way of attacting it, i like the 'rubber rimming' but do not know where to buy it sepereatly, would duck tape work?


Could i use the thin 'flexy window frame' that comes with large clip frames?

As i have one in my room, and come to think about it; it looks like just a window, would it work?
you want something that isnt going to deform or bend too much and is strong enough for you to screw into to mount a case fan