Hi All !
MSDN Magazine - April 2001 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/04/attributes/default.aspx
refferes to an attribute provider for unmanaged c++. ATL makes heavely use of this feature, however
I can't find any documentation / interface description for writing one
Apparently the compiler hook looks takes the following form (from atlplus.h; line 18-20), but that will not get me far..
provider( name="<name>", uuid="<uuid>"
Thx !
MSDN Magazine - April 2001 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/04/attributes/default.aspx
refferes to an attribute provider for unmanaged c++. ATL makes heavely use of this feature, however
I can't find any documentation / interface description for writing one
Apparently the compiler hook looks takes the following form (from atlplus.h; line 18-20), but that will not get me far..
provider( name="<name>", uuid="<uuid>"
Thx !