I create "Find" Button on the form and use to look for the file number for
I use the form link to the table instead of Query. Is there a way for me to
use the button to look for anything 1-2-3 or 1-23 or 123 to pull up the file.
Recently, you give the code and it works for queries. I am trying to find a
way to use Table just like you give me the code. When I click the button
and pop up to look for the file number. I want to input either 1-2-3 or 1-23 or 123
to pull the file.
Your help would be great.
Hi Bill,
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, could you be a bit more specific?
Hi Phobos,
Thanks, it works. I m really appreciated your help.
I have a question if that is possible to use your code into Find Button from
the form to look RecordNumber either Table or Query. I copy the code "Find
button" if you can help me to insert your code "Begin to End" into the code
of "Find Button".
********** Find Button *******************
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFind_Click
Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 10, , acMenuVer70
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdFind_Click
End Sub
'Code Begins
Function replace(fld As String, find As String, Optional repwith As String =
"") As String
Dim fldLen As Long
fldLen = Len(fld)
Dim findLen As Long
findLen = Len(find)
Dim newFld As String
newFld = ""
Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To fldLen
If Mid(fld, x, findLen) = find Then
newFld = newFld & repwith
x = x + findLen - 1
newFld = newFld + Mid(fld, x, 1)
End If
replace = newFld
End Function
'Code ends
In your query, one of the fields should be:
This removes hyphens (the default for the repWith argument is a
I use the form link to the table instead of Query. Is there a way for me to
use the button to look for anything 1-2-3 or 1-23 or 123 to pull up the file.
Recently, you give the code and it works for queries. I am trying to find a
way to use Table just like you give me the code. When I click the button
and pop up to look for the file number. I want to input either 1-2-3 or 1-23 or 123
to pull the file.
Your help would be great.
Hi Bill,
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, could you be a bit more specific?
Hi Phobos,
Thanks, it works. I m really appreciated your help.
I have a question if that is possible to use your code into Find Button from
the form to look RecordNumber either Table or Query. I copy the code "Find
button" if you can help me to insert your code "Begin to End" into the code
of "Find Button".
********** Find Button *******************
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFind_Click
Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 10, , acMenuVer70
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdFind_Click
End Sub
'Code Begins
Function replace(fld As String, find As String, Optional repwith As String =
"") As String
Dim fldLen As Long
fldLen = Len(fld)
Dim findLen As Long
findLen = Len(find)
Dim newFld As String
newFld = ""
Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To fldLen
If Mid(fld, x, findLen) = find Then
newFld = newFld & repwith
x = x + findLen - 1
newFld = newFld + Mid(fld, x, 1)
End If
replace = newFld
End Function
'Code ends
In your query, one of the fields should be:
This removes hyphens (the default for the repWith argument is a