Attn: "PapaJohn"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Al Stu
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Al Stu

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
I'll respond as appropriate....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
My responses are often for the others reading these threads, not necessarily for you.... this place is open to anyone who wants to comment...

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
That would be a first.
I'll respond as appropriate....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
"this place is open to anyone who wants to comment... "

Hence why it was a request rather than a mandate. But as I suspected, you will not honor.
My responses are often for the others reading these threads, not necessarily for you.... this place is open to anyone who wants to comment...

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
Yep, he once wrote privately to me saying that we could not both run this
newsgroup. My first reaction was to laugh, its a thought that had never
before entered my head...Microsoft own it as far as I am concerned. You will
never keep him out though...he strongly believes that he is in charge and
you are not allowed to say anything if he does not like it......and when you
do say something there is a high probability that even though he has not got
a clue he will copy and paste into his web site and if he does not like you
he will not put ypour name on what he has copied...however he gives all
those who do not know him the impression that the remarks are his own and he
then gets credit for it....and with that credit he then attempts the things
you also refer to.....making money !!!

John Kelly

Only pj would think people were refering to him when they mention Experts

"this place is open to anyone who wants to comment... "

Hence why it was a request rather than a mandate. But as I suspected, you
will not honor.
My responses are often for the others reading these threads, not
necessarily for you.... this place is open to anyone who wants to comment...

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want
your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
Ok, as a little user here, I've had about enough. I am here to learn to use WMM and I'm doing that. I have received help from PJ, Wojo, and John Kelly at different times and I respect them all for their knowledge and kindness. I have seen nothing much of Al Stu so I really can't say about him.

But guys, don't you think this has gotten a bit on the childish side?
Why not just give your opinions and back off the kiddie stuff? I feel like I'm on a car trip with my kids! LOL

BTW, does this group have a moderator?

Thanks, cause that's all I'm going to say. Please don't spoil it for the rest of us!

That would be a first.
I'll respond as appropriate....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
That tears it, Mr Kelly.

I have been watching your rants and raves against Papa John for quite a
while, now, but I always took them with a grain of salt.

Now, when you publically published what was included in a private
conversation, you have crossed the line. I have long suspected that you
were an ego-maniac, but you have now confirmed my suspicions. I am, again,
going to add you to my kill-file. I don't care to read, anymore, what you
have to say.

Ted Brewer

The man who stated in an email to me that both he and I could not run this
newsgroup is the much loved PAPAJOHN, the well known LIAR. I had never
previously though about who controlled this newsgroup, it was always
understood that MS do....

If a terrorist (from elsewhere) entered your home, would you object

If a Priest entered your home would you object?

Between those two extremes how far into telling lies must a person go
before YOU say that enough is enough, would it be before he also started
earning money from the reputation those lies try to support??? I would hope

It seems though that we now jhave anoter MVP who supports just such a
person....Mr Hughes seems to believe it is OK for such a person to take
money off the likes of you....I do not support that point of view and never
will. In England it comes under the general title of Obtaining Pecunary
Advantage by offence against the Theft Act and if done on a
large enough scale it carries a hefty prison sentence...dont misunderstand,
the lies by papajohn fall short of that, but that takes us back to the
question of where you are prepared to draw that line.

Mr Hughes has today indicated that he fully supports papajohn and all of
his activities...this is very unsatisfactory

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

I Love Instant Experts

Ok, as a little user here, I've had about enough. I am here to learn to use
WMM and I'm doing that. I have received help from PJ, Wojo, and John Kelly
at different times and I respect them all for their knowledge and kindness.
I have seen nothing much of Al Stu so I really can't say about him.

But guys, don't you think this has gotten a bit on the childish side?
Why not just give your opinions and back off the kiddie stuff? I feel like
I'm on a car trip with my kids! LOL

BTW, does this group have a moderator?

Thanks, cause that's all I'm going to say. Please don't spoil it for the
rest of us!

That would be a first.
I'll respond as appropriate....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want
your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu

Goodbye...but before you really do add me to that file you claim you
have....I should point out that the subject you refered to has been publcly
discussed by me, papajohn and several Microsooft emplooyees in
run off and complete the highly engineered response and put me in your
KILL-FILE I will worry about that ever such a lot...Bye Bye

It will not ofd course change ANY of the FACTS
To much plagiarism here to post anything of much use.

I simply requested someone not respond to threads initiated by me because I disapprove of their business practices.

I don't consider plagiarism for purpose of profit to be kiddy stuff.

There must be a moderator... they keep censoring JK.

I don't wish to spoil it for anyone, I'm simply sick of an MS-MVP using MS NG's to market their self & business by driving traffic to their for profit web site.

Ok, as a little user here, I've had about enough. I am here to learn to use WMM and I'm doing that. I have received help from PJ, Wojo, and John Kelly at different times and I respect them all for their knowledge and kindness. I have seen nothing much of Al Stu so I really can't say about him.

But guys, don't you think this has gotten a bit on the childish side?
Why not just give your opinions and back off the kiddie stuff? I feel like I'm on a car trip with my kids! LOL

BTW, does this group have a moderator?

Thanks, cause that's all I'm going to say. Please don't spoil it for the rest of us!

That would be a first.
I'll respond as appropriate....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -

Please do not respond to any threads initiated by me. I do not want your input.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Al Stu
Papa, I appreciate that you're trying to help others, but please don't
give out wrong information. For example, you responded to one of my
questions about 1-pass vs. 2-pass VIDEO encoding incorrectly.
I never intentionally provide wrong info... and there are others who are
around to help us both when I do...
i'm sure you mean well mr. john, but the fact is, i asked about video
encoding and your answer was about audio. in fact, i sent your answer
to someone who does dv for a living and she had a good chuckle.

i've since found the answer to my question. i.e. moviemaker2 only does
1-pass encoding and will NOT provide as good a quality output as the
microsoft wma encoder.

maybe you have so into mm2 that you don't know much about what else is
Sorry, but I don't remember the exchange of posts... and sorry if I didn't
know the right answer.

I'm assuming you just wanted to make your point, and you have... and you
weren't out to rehash the exchange of info.

Yes, I focus on Movie Maker and Photo Story. To the extent I learn more
about them than anyone usually wants to know, and in doing such, I don't put
equal time into other apps, that's true.... but when the publisher was
looking for someone to write the intro chapter for the first book about
VirtualDub earlier this year... guess who they selected? and why? because
they saw my newsletter tutorial about how to use it. My newsletters cover
lots of other software.

If none of us were allowed to post info that wasn't spot-on perfect, there
wouldn't be any posts....