I've been searching for a while for a solution to my problem. Vista works
great but to this day Palm has not updated their software or even released a
beta for it. So many of us Palm users have been left in the cold.
Palm Desktop seems to work fine under RC2 but hotsync never worked. So I was
never able to make use of the Palm Desktop, until today.
Thanks to a user on the Brighthand forum, it was mentioned that changing the
Hotsync.exe (under the PalmOne folder on the HD) to run in compatibility mode
for XP RC2 would work. And it sure does. No errors, nothing. I can't believe
I didn't think of this earlier but in case others are having similar issues,
hope this helps.
great but to this day Palm has not updated their software or even released a
beta for it. So many of us Palm users have been left in the cold.
Palm Desktop seems to work fine under RC2 but hotsync never worked. So I was
never able to make use of the Palm Desktop, until today.
Thanks to a user on the Brighthand forum, it was mentioned that changing the
Hotsync.exe (under the PalmOne folder on the HD) to run in compatibility mode
for XP RC2 would work. And it sure does. No errors, nothing. I can't believe
I didn't think of this earlier but in case others are having similar issues,
hope this helps.