Vulnerable devices include any home router or modem that uses Linux
Mipsel, has an administration interface, sshd, or telnet in a DMZ, and
employs a weak password. Once the malware takes hold, it locks
legitimate users out of the device by blocking telnet, sshd, and web
access. It then makes the devices part of a botnet. The researchers said
they first learned of the worm while investigating DDoS attacks that hit
DroneBL's infrastructure two weeks ago.
<end copy>
Vulnerable devices include any home router or modem that uses Linux
Mipsel, has an administration interface, sshd, or telnet in a DMZ, and
employs a weak password. Once the malware takes hold, it locks
legitimate users out of the device by blocking telnet, sshd, and web
access. It then makes the devices part of a botnet. The researchers said
they first learned of the worm while investigating DDoS attacks that hit
DroneBL's infrastructure two weeks ago.
<end copy>