Not so long ago on this NG, in a post about MP3's and virus I was
telling someone that *yes* they could get a virus by just reading an email
and or post. You however also posted and said that *no* strictly speaking
the a person could *not* get a virus from *just* reading an email or NG
post. To refresh your memory:
Someone that reads both this NG and ACV and also remembers those posts
emailed me with this that you posted to ACV:
<begin CnP from email>
Yes, in fact it is even possible to get malware without even
reading the e-mail.
It depends on the e-mail client mostly.
<end CnP from email>
Were you just being factious with the OP? or is it that you condescend
to new users using terms that they understand? Because that you and I and
others more technically inclined when we see "Can I get infected by just
reading an email" we understand that the poster means to ask can they get
infected by just reading an email using a email client that parses the email
and if the email client parses the html and executes any embedded code that
is contained in the *text* of the email written in html *then yes* they can
get infected if *that* is what they mean by getting infected by *just
reading* email. Is that what it is? or do you just give opposite answers or
you argue technical points with those that can understand the difference and
condescend with users that don't know any better? Or am I just not making
the correct correlation between the two posts? I mean I would really like
to know; because you most always seam to be honestly trying to discuss
things from a neutral place without allowing any preconceived notions of
this or that person creep in by what someone else has said about them.
telling someone that *yes* they could get a virus by just reading an email
and or post. You however also posted and said that *no* strictly speaking
the a person could *not* get a virus from *just* reading an email or NG
post. To refresh your memory:
Someone that reads both this NG and ACV and also remembers those posts
emailed me with this that you posted to ACV:
<begin CnP from email>
Stick said:Is it possible to get a virus by reading a message (without opening any
Yes, in fact it is even possible to get malware without even
reading the e-mail.
It depends on the e-mail client mostly.
<end CnP from email>
Were you just being factious with the OP? or is it that you condescend
to new users using terms that they understand? Because that you and I and
others more technically inclined when we see "Can I get infected by just
reading an email" we understand that the poster means to ask can they get
infected by just reading an email using a email client that parses the email
and if the email client parses the html and executes any embedded code that
is contained in the *text* of the email written in html *then yes* they can
get infected if *that* is what they mean by getting infected by *just
reading* email. Is that what it is? or do you just give opposite answers or
you argue technical points with those that can understand the difference and
condescend with users that don't know any better? Or am I just not making
the correct correlation between the two posts? I mean I would really like
to know; because you most always seam to be honestly trying to discuss
things from a neutral place without allowing any preconceived notions of
this or that person creep in by what someone else has said about them.