Attn Dan Artuso....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lurch
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I didn't explain the table very well. There are twelve fields named Jan -
Dec. and an autonumber ID. Each of these fields will have dollar Figures in
them. There could be thousands of records....

What I need is for the Dollars to add up in the query depending on what
month we're in. If March, add Jan, Feb and Mar. If April, then add Jan, Feb,
Mar, and Apr. and so on.

Sorry if I didn't explain it well. Now that I read my original post again, I
can see that I would think the same thing you did.

Sorry bout that!

Lurch, can I make a friendly suggestion? Most of your posts do not have
meaningful subject lines. This will not encourage people to read them. For
example, if a subject line says "Problem with grey widget controls", all the
experts in grey widget controls will open & read your post. But if it says
something like "Heeelp - still not working!", or similar, many people just
won't bother. So a good tip for getting more help, is to use effective
subject lines.

Hi Tony,
I didn't reply further because I thought Doug's reply pretty much summed it
Your table is not normalized. It's pretty much a nightmare to try and work
a table structure like that.
Without knowing more about your db I can't recommend what the structure
should be.
Usually you would have a table that would have a date field and an amount
field with one entry
per expenditure. Your queries then become quite straight forward.

Dan Artuso, MVP