Markus Weissbecker
This is not a hoax !
Yesterday I got a program on Emule and it was a virus, it was not discovered
with NAV 2005 and the last virus update on 02/03/2006. As the Symantec Site
was a little blocked and NAV was disabled, i made an online scan with Panda
Antivirus which didn't discover this virus (now it do ;-)
I submit the Virus, they told me it was a W32/Rizalof.B.worm (that's what
they called it).
I better buied Panda than Norton ... ;-)
Below the original of the mail, so you can detect and eliminate it.
Spread the word not the program ;-)
I hope this free ad will mean one year of subscription for Panda Antivirus
Dear client,
After analysing the message you sent to PandaLabs, we inform you that a new
malware was detected in it.
A Panda ActiveScan update, shortly available, will successfully detect and
delete this threat from your computer.
The file D:\eMule\Studio Mediasuite 10 Crack Patch Serial Keygen.exe belongs
to the worm W32/Rizalof.B.worm, due to the nature of the file, it can only
be deleted.
The following advice will help you to eliminate the W32/Rizalof.B.worm and
protect yourself against it in future.
Visit our web page with information about the malware:
Follow the instructions on how to eliminate the malware:
If your computer has Windows Millennium or Windows XP installed, you can
find information to permanently remove all trace of the virus in the
following URL:
Windows Milenium
Windows XP
At http://www.pandasoftware.com/virus_info there is extensive information on
all malware detected by our antivirus, as well as the steps to take to
remove them from your system.
If you want more information on how to update your antivirus and the action
to take when new viruses appear, visit our Support pages at:
http://www.pandasoftware.com/support/. You will also find full information
and FAQs about your product.
We hope this answer has been helpful and do not hesitate to contact us
should you need any suspicious file analyzed in future.
If you do not have an antivirus program or you would like to receive
up-to-date information about the characteristics of our new products and
which types of malware detects each of them, we offer you the Panda
antivirus solution that best meets your needs.
Best regards,
mailto:[email protected]
Panda Software
Buenos Aires 12
Panda Software, a world leader in virus and intrusion prevention, presents
its new family of solutions. The new range of IT security products boasts a
series of outstanding technological innovations and caters for all clients,
from the largest corporations to home users. More information at:
Protect yourself now against viruses and intrusions! Try our products, FREE!
at http://www.pandasoftware.com/downloads/
Yesterday I got a program on Emule and it was a virus, it was not discovered
with NAV 2005 and the last virus update on 02/03/2006. As the Symantec Site
was a little blocked and NAV was disabled, i made an online scan with Panda
Antivirus which didn't discover this virus (now it do ;-)
I submit the Virus, they told me it was a W32/Rizalof.B.worm (that's what
they called it).
I better buied Panda than Norton ... ;-)
Below the original of the mail, so you can detect and eliminate it.
Spread the word not the program ;-)
I hope this free ad will mean one year of subscription for Panda Antivirus
Dear client,
After analysing the message you sent to PandaLabs, we inform you that a new
malware was detected in it.
A Panda ActiveScan update, shortly available, will successfully detect and
delete this threat from your computer.
The file D:\eMule\Studio Mediasuite 10 Crack Patch Serial Keygen.exe belongs
to the worm W32/Rizalof.B.worm, due to the nature of the file, it can only
be deleted.
The following advice will help you to eliminate the W32/Rizalof.B.worm and
protect yourself against it in future.
Visit our web page with information about the malware:
Follow the instructions on how to eliminate the malware:
If your computer has Windows Millennium or Windows XP installed, you can
find information to permanently remove all trace of the virus in the
following URL:
Windows Milenium
Windows XP
At http://www.pandasoftware.com/virus_info there is extensive information on
all malware detected by our antivirus, as well as the steps to take to
remove them from your system.
If you want more information on how to update your antivirus and the action
to take when new viruses appear, visit our Support pages at:
http://www.pandasoftware.com/support/. You will also find full information
and FAQs about your product.
We hope this answer has been helpful and do not hesitate to contact us
should you need any suspicious file analyzed in future.
If you do not have an antivirus program or you would like to receive
up-to-date information about the characteristics of our new products and
which types of malware detects each of them, we offer you the Panda
antivirus solution that best meets your needs.
Best regards,
mailto:[email protected]
Panda Software
Buenos Aires 12
Panda Software, a world leader in virus and intrusion prevention, presents
its new family of solutions. The new range of IT security products boasts a
series of outstanding technological innovations and caters for all clients,
from the largest corporations to home users. More information at:
Protect yourself now against viruses and intrusions! Try our products, FREE!
at http://www.pandasoftware.com/downloads/