ATTENTION MVPs!!! - ROBOCOPY questions!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca
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Carlos Felipe França da Fonseca

Guys, let's create a brainstorm about ROBOCOPY!!!

If I have the same files in server A and in server B, but the files in
server B are newest (has newest content) than in server A:

1. If I change the NTFS permissions on the files in server A and,
imediatelly, I run a ROBOCOPY from server A to server B copying only
unexistent files or files newest than in server B, would the files in server
B be overwritten for the files in server A only because the permissions has
been changed on the files in server A?

As far as I know, if we change NTFS permissions on a file, only the "Access
date" changes.

I need to know, then, if the modified "Access date" in a file in server A
would be a criteria to ROBOCOPY decide that this file is newest than the
file in server B, which has its content newest than the file in server A.

I need all possible opinions and answers!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

I need to know, then, if the modified "Access date" in a file in server A
would be a criteria to ROBOCOPY decide that this file is newest than the
file in server B, which has its content newest than the file in server A.

Use the /L switch: "Lists files without copying, deleting, ..."