



For an attendence system I use a form which first asks for a date and then
takes names and that date to a new table.
That gives me the possibility to fill out the attendance for that day.

Because the question for the date is made by ACCESS itself, it is not really
userfriendly, if one does just types numbers without slashes the date is not
entered correctly, theirefore I thought it would be interesting to use a
Can anyone help me on how to make that work?
Or would it be better to use a small form that asked for the date with a
preformated date-entry?



For an attendence system I use a form which first asks for a date and then
takes names and that date to a new table.
That gives me the possibility to fill out the attendance for that day.

Because the question for the date is made by ACCESS itself, it is not really
userfriendly, if one does just types numbers without slashes the date is not
entered correctly, theirefore I thought it would be interesting to use a
Can anyone help me on how to make that work?
Or would it be better to use a small form that asked for the date with a
preformated date-entry?

You don't make it clear what form you are using to ask for the date. If the
form uses a simple text box for the date you can use the Input Mask property to
force input into the proper format. See Help for InputMask Property.

You can use a calendar object but I have found them to be more trouble than the
flash is worth. That being said, here's a cool one based on an Access form so
you don't need an ActiveX object.



Why not just format the field on the form as a short date which would
allow the users to just enter the numbers and the slashes are filled in
for them. i.e. 01312006 would be reflected as 01/31/2006

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