Judy Okazaki
My computer hung and I had to reboot. I could no longer
bring up Outlook, it seemingly just hung. I uninstalled
and reinstalled Office 2000. Still nothing. I'm running
Windows 98. I can run all of the reinstalled Office
programs except Outlook. When I select the program, it
displays the name of the program, like it's starting but
that's it. Fifteen minutes later things look the same,
but I don't get a not responding message when I look at
runniing programs.
bring up Outlook, it seemingly just hung. I uninstalled
and reinstalled Office 2000. Still nothing. I'm running
Windows 98. I can run all of the reinstalled Office
programs except Outlook. When I select the program, it
displays the name of the program, like it's starting but
that's it. Fifteen minutes later things look the same,
but I don't get a not responding message when I look at
runniing programs.