I have problem when i received a message with attachment i try to open it
but it come in compressed file ( .cab) some time i received with out
compressed i think it from the sender but some time the sender send mail
with attachment come compressed and another time is not compressed it's not
from the sender
I have EXACTLY the same problem, and it's driving me mad! :-(
I can't find any reason for it, because:
1) The ".CAB"bed messages come from various senders so it's not something on the
sender side: a friend of mine sent me a simple JPG file attached to a plain text
message, and I received it as .jpg.cab file!)
2) it's not some kind of security filter supplied by an ISP because I received
such kind of messages on many different acounts on different providers
3) it's not a "feature" of Outlook Express, because I found CABbed messages even
on emails received from some spamtraps (pop3 mailboxes I use to collect spam to
anayze) from different servers/ISPs, and I get the message using a VB program I
wrote, accessing the mailboxes directly via POP3 protocol (winsock) and stores
them in "raw" format on text files, so OE have nothing to do with them!
I use "Avast" antivirus, but it doesn't appear to have any such kind of
"security function", moreover I have disabled email check so it shouldn't have
nothing to do with mail flow...
The problem "randomly" happens on HTML messages or attachments (e.g. eve a bill
I've always received in RTF format has been converted in "bill.rtf.cab"!!!), and
I see very few persons are complaining about it, so it appears to be a very rare
I'm really going nuts, anyone have an answer and/or can explain me WHY this
happens, before I get crazy?...
--- Per scrivermi: dottoATdespammed.com
Sei anche tu stanco dei messaggi spam? Usa Terminator, il programma
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