sonja said:
some people i send e-mails to do not get my attachments while
do. i've tried sending them to myself first and i get them o.k.
got the problem, me or the other guy and how do i go about
this? thanks!
Almost certainly "the other guy," and there's nothing *you* can
do to correct it.
But what do you mean when you say "do not get my attachments." Do
they, for example, get a message that Outlook Express has blocked
access to the attachment?
If so, they have the OE default set. It blocks access to any
attachment which *could* contain a virus. They can turn it off by
going to Tools | Options, and on the security tab, unchecking "Do
not allow attachments..." But they should be aware that opening
attachments can be very risky (not all come from you, and even
those that do come from you aren't necessarily safe; I'm sure you
wouldn't purposely send them a virus, but you could be infected
without realizing it).