Attachments Mail



I have a problem. Yesterday, someone sent me a word document as an
attachment. I opened the document and worked on it for several hours,
clicking on save at regular intervals. Today, the document is not saved inot
my documents folder. I opened the document that had origianlly been sent, and
it was still there - in its original version. I can't iomagine why this has
happaned. I've searched the computer and cannot find a revised file anywhere.
I need some advice urgently.


Lisanz444 said:
I have a problem. Yesterday, someone sent me a word document as an
attachment. I opened the document and worked on it for several hours,
clicking on save at regular intervals. Today, the document is not saved
my documents folder. I opened the document that had origianlly been sent,
it was still there - in its original version. I can't iomagine why this
happaned. I've searched the computer and cannot find a revised file
I need some advice urgently.

You really are out of luck sorry to say.

You should always save the document/attachment to your hard drive FIRST,
then work on it from where you saved it.

You are not the first to do this and you will not be the last, but you will
not get caught again.

Gary VanderMolen

That edited document is in a randomly named file in your Temporary
Internet Files. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, if the
system hasn't cleaned it out already.
Opening an attachment from inside your email program is not
recommended, except maybe for a quick look only.

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