Attachments in Outlook



Hi there.

When I send an email with an attachment, it automatically sends lots of
other attachments as well - all identical in name ('header.htm') and size.
When I click on these attachments to open them in my browser, they're empty.
Why are they attaching like this and what are they? This has only started
happening recently - and only sometimes - and although I'm very computer
literate (if not so much on the tech side, although I can usually sort out
minor problems), I'm completely stuck on this. Now someone's going to tell
me it's blindingly obvious I suppose ....... I hope someone can help me with
this though as recipients of my emails keep complaining. Thanks in

Roady [MVP]

What version of Outlook are you using? If you are using a virusscanner that
integrates with Outlook and does an outgoing e-mailscan disable the
integration and try again.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data


I'm using 2002 and have avast! antivirus software running. Then again, I've
used that software for a couple of years now but this is a fairly recent
problem. However, I've disabled the scan outgoing email function and will
try it out. If this is the problem though, why doesn't it affect ALL my
outgoing mail?

Roady said:
What version of Outlook are you using? If you are using a virusscanner that
integrates with Outlook and does an outgoing e-mailscan disable the
integration and try again.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

mrsbusy said:
Hi there.

When I send an email with an attachment, it automatically sends lots of
other attachments as well - all identical in name ('header.htm') and size.
When I click on these attachments to open them in my browser, they're
Why are they attaching like this and what are they? This has only started
happening recently - and only sometimes - and although I'm very computer
literate (if not so much on the tech side, although I can usually sort out
minor problems), I'm completely stuck on this. Now someone's going to
me it's blindingly obvious I suppose ....... I hope someone can help me
this though as recipients of my emails keep complaining. Thanks in

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