Ignorant troll
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Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,rec.audio.tech
From: AZ Nomad <aznomad PmunOgeBOX.com>
Subject: Re: Attach USB speakers to 3.5mm "audio out" socket?
References: <Xns980A5FCC347B5628D1> <slrnec9jim.rop.aznomad ip70-176-155-130.ph.ph.cox.net> <12c9ko1sbd91f08 corp.supernews.com> <Xns980A5E5BAD7FC0123456789>
Message-ID: <slrnec9mvn.td7.aznomad ip70-176-155-130.ph.ph.cox.net>
User-Agent: slrn/ (Linux)
Lines: 32
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 14:40:29 GMT
X-Complaints-To: abuse cox.net
X-Trace: fed1read01 1153752029 (Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:40:29 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:40:29 EDT
Organization: Cox Communications
Xref: prodigy.net alt.comp.hardware:315094 alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt:471847 rec.audio.tech:234387
"Richard Crowley" <rcrowley xpr7t.net> wrote:
Right, AZ Nomad is way off base. All of the other replies are
I'm correct. Get over yourself.
He probably would have to connect the analog speaker out to an audio
amplifier in the USB speaker circuit, assuming it's not all
integrated, and that isn't going to happen.
What he has is exactly as I've described. They have a usb cable
only for getting power.