Trevor Benedict
Is there a way to attach a running Instance of Visual Studo 2008
(devenv.exe) to multiple instance of the devlopment web server
(WebDev.WebServer) for example.
I am trying to get a power shell script that can kill, start and attach this
process automatically. The script below is to kill and start the WebDev
Server. I would like to attach these 3 processes to a Running instance of
Visual Studio.
@echo off
set vDir=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\
set pDir=C:\Trevor\PP\
powershell -command "Get-Process | Where { $_.Name -Eq 'WebDev.WebServer' }
| Kill"
start %vDir%WebDev.WebServer /port:2222 /path:"%pDir%WebServices" /vpath:"/"
start %vDir%WebDev.WebServer /port:2223 /path:"%pDir%Security" /vpath:"/"
start %vDir%WebDev.WebServer /port:2852 /path:"%pDir%WebUI.Application"
sleep 2
You may wonder why not run it from Visual Studio to save the trouble. most
times I don't need the debugger, just compile and go, when I need to, I can
attach to it using a batch file if I have to. TIA.
(devenv.exe) to multiple instance of the devlopment web server
(WebDev.WebServer) for example.
I am trying to get a power shell script that can kill, start and attach this
process automatically. The script below is to kill and start the WebDev
Server. I would like to attach these 3 processes to a Running instance of
Visual Studio.
@echo off
set vDir=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\
set pDir=C:\Trevor\PP\
powershell -command "Get-Process | Where { $_.Name -Eq 'WebDev.WebServer' }
| Kill"
start %vDir%WebDev.WebServer /port:2222 /path:"%pDir%WebServices" /vpath:"/"
start %vDir%WebDev.WebServer /port:2223 /path:"%pDir%Security" /vpath:"/"
start %vDir%WebDev.WebServer /port:2852 /path:"%pDir%WebUI.Application"
sleep 2
You may wonder why not run it from Visual Studio to save the trouble. most
times I don't need the debugger, just compile and go, when I need to, I can
attach to it using a batch file if I have to. TIA.