Attach item from another application

  • Thread starter Thread starter LuisE
  • Start date Start date


I'm creating a message from excel.
If a file attachment is needed an Open File box is prompted and a reference
to it and its path is created.

My problem is how to prompt the dialog box to indicate n item to attach to
the message ad how to refer to it.
Thanks in advance
If you want to invoke the File Open dialog using code either invoke the
Excel version or use the VB file controls from ComDlg32 or call the Win32
API file open dialog. There is no Outlook object model equivalent.
If you are doing this in Excel, how about an InputBox to ask the user
for the file? Or GetOpenFileName?


The dialog I want to prompt is the "Insert item-as attachment" to insert
messages, appointments, etc

The dialog I want to oen is the "insert item-as attachment- for messages,
appointments, ect
If you want that exact dialog the only way to open it is to get the ID of
that command from the menu structure (CommandBars) and call the button's
Execute method. The Insert File button on the Standard toolbar has an ID of
1079 in an Outlook editor email item.