ATNotes Clone?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Newman
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Bob Newman

I have been using ATNotes for many years and I love everything about it -
mostly. As my eyes aren't the greatest one of the best features is to be
able to adjust the font size in the notes. HOWEVER for some strange reason
you cannot do that in the box that comes up when an alarm goes off and I
have a very hard time reading the alarm note. Does anyone know of a similar
program without this restriction?
Bob said:
I have been using ATNotes for many years and I love everything
about it - mostly. As my eyes aren't the greatest one of the best
features is to be able to adjust the font size in the notes.
HOWEVER for some strange reason you cannot do that in the box that
comes up when an alarm goes off and I have a very hard time reading
the alarm note. Does anyone know of a similar program without this

Not sure I understand your can set the font size of the
note (individually or globally) when you make it and that is the size
that will be used when the note is displayed.


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Correct that is what I was talking about. For instance, lets say I want a
note that says "Remember the groceries". I can make the font 18 point,
bold, and red in color. Great. But when I set an alarm for that note to be
hidden and go off at 3 PM the note does not hold that formatting but comes
up in a dialog box in a very small font. I posed that question on ATNote
user forum and was told there is no way to get it to hold that formatting in
the alarm window.


I realize you use ATNotes, but you might want to consider Stickies by Tom
Revell at

It allows you to set the note text font and color, as well as lots of other
formatting options. Unlike ATNotes, though, it displays the note exactly as
you entered it when the alarm goes off. It also has network and e-mail
functions. I have been using it for years and wouldn't be without it.

Bob said:
Correct that is what I was talking about. For instance, lets say I
want a note that says "Remember the groceries". I can make the
font 18 point, bold, and red in color. Great. But when I set an
alarm for that note to be hidden and go off at 3 PM the note does
not hold that formatting but comes up in a dialog box in a very
small font. I posed that question on ATNote user forum and was
told there is no way to get it to hold that formatting in the alarm

I don't know why you were told that but it isn't correct. Not with
version 9.41 or any predecessors I have used at least.

I regularly...
1. Make a note
2. Set special font size, color, etc for that note
3. Set an alarm date/time for it

When the alarm goes off the note is displayed using the
font/colors/etc specified for that specific note. Just did it to be


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
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Does anyone know of a similar program without this restriction?

Drop a mail to author of ATnotes.
He listen to suggestions...
a lot of features/improvements were done after my e-mails.
Rod said:

OK, last time I respond about the wrap/sig thing:
Good wrap/very strange bad sig :)

Yeah, I know. That's the newest and greatest OEQuoteFix + ISO-8859-15
encoding patch *NOT* doing their thing, no idea why. Wrote to the
author, haven't heard back. If it becomes good, lemme know, OK?


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
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dadiOH said:
Yeah, I know. That's the newest and greatest OEQuoteFix + ISO-8859-15
encoding patch *NOT* doing their thing, no idea why. Wrote to the
author, haven't heard back. If it becomes good, lemme know, OK?

Will do.
dadiOH said:
I don't know why you were told that but it isn't correct. Not with
version 9.41 or any predecessors I have used at least.

I regularly...
1. Make a note
2. Set special font size, color, etc for that note
3. Set an alarm date/time for it

When the alarm goes off the note is displayed using the
font/colors/etc specified for that specific note. Just did it to be


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
...a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
If it can be done please give me detailed instruction because as I have said
they told me it was not possible.

Thanks... Bob
Did did so. Although I also did it several months ago too. It seems like a
pretty basic feature to me.

Bob said:
If it can be done please give me detailed instruction because as I
have said they told me it was not possible.

It's pretty well spelled out in the help file but as I already said...

1. Make a new note

2. Right click new note, select "Settings".
(a) Change font and/or colors as desired
(b) Click OK

3. Right click note again and select "Alarm".
(a) Check "Activate alarm" and set desired date and time.
(b) Check "Hide note".
(c) Set what you want for "Type/Action/Audio Signal"

4. Click OK

That's it

You can do #2 & #3 to an existing note as well. You could also use
"Hide" to hide it until a specified date/time instead of using "Alarm"
but you wouldn't be able to set action desired when the note is
displayed. Either way, you *can* set font style/size and colors for
any individual note or globally for use by all notes when created. A
thorough perusal of the help file should help you.

Message-ID said:
If it can be done please give me detailed instruction because as I have said
they told me it was not possible.

Thanks... Bob

Although you can't change the alarm "message box" font, you CAN get
the behavior you're looking for.

It's all there in the "Alarm Dialog" (at least in the version 9.41 I'm
currently using:

Do whatever you want with the ORIGINAL note font, size and color.

When you bring up the alarm dialog box, select "Action" tab, then
select "Bring note to top and flash note" (and NOT "Confirm note text
in message box," which sounds like what you have set now.)

Set the rest of the options as you need them. Whether you hide the
note or not, it will pop up, flash, and give audio signal if you have
one set at the designated alarm time with the SAME font, size, color,
etc, that you had when you wrote the original note.

Ron M.
That comes VERY close to being it. You are not setting an alarm but rather
bringing up the note. Is there a way to get it to stop flashing? When I
click on it, it disappears.
