Milo Malhame
Is this an upgrade card from the X800 Pro or a down grade (crippeled
version)? It is on sale at Future Shop in Vancouver for $399.00. I currently
have an ATI 9800 pro 256 bit 128 meg card on an Athlon xp Barton 3200
system. The X800 pro still retails in my area for over $500.00. Are either
card a worthy upgrade or is it time to scrap the works and start over with a
AMD 64 3000+ system with PCI video card. Main game I play is flight sim
version)? It is on sale at Future Shop in Vancouver for $399.00. I currently
have an ATI 9800 pro 256 bit 128 meg card on an Athlon xp Barton 3200
system. The X800 pro still retails in my area for over $500.00. Are either
card a worthy upgrade or is it time to scrap the works and start over with a
AMD 64 3000+ system with PCI video card. Main game I play is flight sim