I've got a AGP X850 XT.
When I install this new 6.7 version, it hangs on the ATI WDM install.
Specifically the IKernel.exe program.
I've tried almost everything. (i.e. removing all drivers, rebooting many
times, starting in safe mode, etc.) I just cannot get the ATI WDM to setup
correctly. The video card drivers and CCC install just fine.
What gives?
When I install this new 6.7 version, it hangs on the ATI WDM install.
Specifically the IKernel.exe program.
I've tried almost everything. (i.e. removing all drivers, rebooting many
times, starting in safe mode, etc.) I just cannot get the ATI WDM to setup
correctly. The video card drivers and CCC install just fine.
What gives?