ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x with XP

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That s my pc.

Mainboard : <>
Chipset : VIA KT133
Processor : AMD Athlon @ 1000 MHz
Physical Memory : 256 MB (2 x 128 SDRAM )
Video Card : ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
Hard Disk : MAXTOR (41 GB)
CD-Rom Drive : COMPAQ SC-140S
Monitor Type : NEC Technologies - 10 inchs
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service
Pack 2
DirectX : Version 9.0c

It worked good on windows98 and after the update at windows xp
just i see badly the images.
Tried installing the last driver with no results !

this is the info about the video card
Video Card : Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro
Manufacturer : ATI Technologies Inc (ATI Technologies Inc)
Model : Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
Bus Type : AGP
Total Memory : 16 MB
Texture Memory : 28 MB
Processor : RAGE128 PRO II, (AGP 4X/PCI)
Converter : Internal DAC (350Mhz)
Refresh Rate (min/max) : 56/100 Hz
Number of GPU : 1
Codename : R128
DirectX Support : 6.0
Pixel Shader Version : 3.0
Date : 01/02/28
ID : BK3.0.2 VR001. tfumm1x.3
Release Version : 6.60-010926m-1476C-ATI
Width : 320 mm
Height : 240 mm
Pixel per inch : 96x96 dpi
bits per pixel : 32
Colour Bits/Planes : 1
Brushes : 4294967295
Pens : 4294967295
Markers : 0
Device Fonts : 0
Device Colours : 4294967295
Clip Output to Rectangle : Yes
Hardware Acceleration : Yes
GradientFill Rectangle : No
GradientFill Traingle : No
Per Pixel AlphaBlend : No
Premultiplied Alpha : No
Banding : No
Transfer Bitmaps : Yes
Bitmap >64 KB : Yes
Fonts larger than 64 K : Yes
DIBs : Yes
Flood Fills : Yes
Scaling : No
StretchBlt : Yes
StretchDIB : Yes
Chord Arcs : Yes
Circles : Yes
Elipses : Yes
Interiors : Yes
Pie Wedges : Yes
Rounded Rectangles : Yes
Styled Borders : Yes
Wide Borders : Yes
Wide, Styled Borders : Yes
Interiors : Yes
Markers : Yes
Polylines : Yes
Polymarkers : Yes
Styled : Yes
Wide : Yes
Wide, Styled : Yes
Interiors : Yes
Alternate Fill Polygons : Yes
Winding Fill Polygons : Yes
Rectangles : Yes
Scan Lines : Yes
Styled Borders : Yes
Wide Borders : Yes
Wide, Styled Borders : Yes
Stroke Precision : Yes
Stroke Clip Precision : Yes
90° Character Rotation : No
Any Angle Character Rotation : No
Independant X-Y Scaling : No
Double Weighted Characters : No
Italic : No
Underline : Yes
Strikeout : Yes
Raster Fonts : Yes
Vector Fonts : Yes
Gamma Ramp : Yes
ICM Device : No
Current Display : 1024x768 pixels at 60 Hz in True Colors (32-bit)
Depth : 32-bit/pixel
Refresh Rate : 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
320 x 200 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
320 x 200 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
320 x 240 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
320 x 240 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
320 x 240 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
320 x 240 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
320 x 240 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
320 x 240 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
400 x 300 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
400 x 300 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
400 x 300 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
400 x 300 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
400 x 300 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
400 x 300 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
512 x 384 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
512 x 384 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
512 x 384 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
512 x 384 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
512 x 384 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
512 x 384 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
640 x 400 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
640 x 400 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
640 x 400 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
640 x 400 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
640 x 400 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
640 x 400 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 72 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 85 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 90 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 100 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 72 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 85 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 90 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 100 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 72 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 85 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 90 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 100 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 56 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 70 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 72 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 85 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 90 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 100 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 56 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 70 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 72 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 85 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 90 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 100 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 56 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 70 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 72 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 85 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 90 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 100 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 70 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 72 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 70 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 72 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 70 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 72 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 256 colours at 70 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 70 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 32-bit at 70 Hz
1280 x 1024 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
1280 x 1024 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
1280 x 1024 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 16 colours at 1 Hz
800 x 600 in : 16 colours at 1 Hz

Anyone solved the problem of compatibilty with XP ?

That s my pc.

Mainboard : <>
Chipset : VIA KT133
Processor : AMD Athlon @ 1000 MHz
Physical Memory : 256 MB (2 x 128 SDRAM )
Video Card : ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
Hard Disk : MAXTOR (41 GB)
CD-Rom Drive : COMPAQ SC-140S
Monitor Type : NEC Technologies - 10 inchs
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service
Pack 2
DirectX : Version 9.0c

It worked good on windows98 and after the update at windows xp
just i see badly the images.
Tried installing the last driver with no results !

this is the info about the video card
Video Card : Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro

I'm using an AIW Rage128Pro with W2K's video drivers.

Your displaying on a 10" monitor? What resolution?
Did you install the latest VIA chipset drivers?

Don't think "Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro" use the 128 chipset. Don't know
for sure though and couldn't find the info on the new amd.ati site. Need
Did you use the drivers here?

Do NOT use the drivers found on Windows Update.

Also, I believe the minimum resolution required for Windows XP is 800x600.
If your monitor is indeed an old 10-inch model, make sure it can do 800x600.

Alternatively you can try the Windows 2000 driver, though I'm not sure if it
will give you any 3D functionality.

"War is the continuation of politics by other means.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without
bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

That s my pc.

Mainboard : <>
Chipset : VIA KT133
Processor : AMD Athlon @ 1000 MHz
Physical Memory : 256 MB (2 x 128 SDRAM )
Video Card : ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
Hard Disk : MAXTOR (41 GB)
CD-Rom Drive : COMPAQ SC-140S
Monitor Type : NEC Technologies - 10 inchs
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service
Pack 2
DirectX : Version 9.0c

It worked good on windows98 and after the update at windows xp
just i see badly the images.
Tried installing the last driver with no results !

this is the info about the video card
Video Card : Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro
Manufacturer : ATI Technologies Inc (ATI Technologies Inc)
Model : Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x
Bus Type : AGP
Total Memory : 16 MB
Texture Memory : 28 MB
Processor : RAGE128 PRO II, (AGP 4X/PCI)
Converter : Internal DAC (350Mhz)
Refresh Rate (min/max) : 56/100 Hz
Number of GPU : 1
Codename : R128
DirectX Support : 6.0
Pixel Shader Version : 3.0
Date : 01/02/28
ID : BK3.0.2 VR001. tfumm1x.3
Release Version : 6.60-010926m-1476C-ATI
Width : 320 mm
Height : 240 mm
Pixel per inch : 96x96 dpi
bits per pixel : 32
Colour Bits/Planes : 1
Brushes : 4294967295
Pens : 4294967295
Markers : 0
Device Fonts : 0
Device Colours : 4294967295
Clip Output to Rectangle : Yes
Hardware Acceleration : Yes
GradientFill Rectangle : No
GradientFill Traingle : No
Per Pixel AlphaBlend : No
Premultiplied Alpha : No
Banding : No
Transfer Bitmaps : Yes
Bitmap >64 KB : Yes
Fonts larger than 64 K : Yes
DIBs : Yes
Flood Fills : Yes
Scaling : No
StretchBlt : Yes
StretchDIB : Yes
Chord Arcs : Yes
Circles : Yes
Elipses : Yes
Interiors : Yes
Pie Wedges : Yes
Rounded Rectangles : Yes
Styled Borders : Yes
Wide Borders : Yes
Wide, Styled Borders : Yes
Interiors : Yes
Markers : Yes
Polylines : Yes
Polymarkers : Yes
Styled : Yes
Wide : Yes
Wide, Styled : Yes
Interiors : Yes
Alternate Fill Polygons : Yes
Winding Fill Polygons : Yes
Rectangles : Yes
Scan Lines : Yes
Styled Borders : Yes
Wide Borders : Yes
Wide, Styled Borders : Yes
Stroke Precision : Yes
Stroke Clip Precision : Yes
90° Character Rotation : No
Any Angle Character Rotation : No
Independant X-Y Scaling : No
Double Weighted Characters : No
Italic : No
Underline : Yes
Strikeout : Yes
Raster Fonts : Yes
Vector Fonts : Yes
Gamma Ramp : Yes
ICM Device : No
Current Display : 1024x768 pixels at 60 Hz in True Colors (32-bit)
Depth : 32-bit/pixel
Refresh Rate : 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
320 x 200 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
320 x 200 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
320 x 200 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
320 x 240 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
320 x 240 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
320 x 240 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
320 x 240 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
320 x 240 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
320 x 240 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
400 x 300 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
400 x 300 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
400 x 300 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
400 x 300 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
400 x 300 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
400 x 300 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
512 x 384 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
512 x 384 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
512 x 384 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
512 x 384 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
512 x 384 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
512 x 384 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
640 x 400 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
640 x 400 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
640 x 400 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
640 x 400 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
640 x 400 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
640 x 400 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 72 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 85 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 90 Hz
640 x 480 in : 256 colours at 100 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 72 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 85 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 90 Hz
640 x 480 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 100 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 72 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 85 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 90 Hz
640 x 480 in : 32-bit at 100 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 56 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 70 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 72 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 85 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 90 Hz
800 x 600 in : 256 colours at 100 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 56 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 70 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 72 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 85 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 90 Hz
800 x 600 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 100 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 56 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 70 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 72 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 85 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 90 Hz
800 x 600 in : 32-bit at 100 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 70 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 72 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 256 colours at 75 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 70 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 72 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 75 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 70 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 72 Hz
1024 x 768 in : 32-bit at 75 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 256 colours at 70 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 70 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
1152 x 864 in : 32-bit at 70 Hz
1280 x 1024 in : 256 colours at 60 Hz
1280 x 1024 in : 65536 colours (16-bit) at 60 Hz
1280 x 1024 in : 32-bit at 60 Hz
640 x 480 in : 16 colours at 1 Hz
800 x 600 in : 16 colours at 1 Hz

Anyone solved the problem of compatibilty with XP ?
