It looks like the nVidias are winning on shader support. Might be that the highest resolution goes
ATIs way because then the raw processing power comes to the fore.
Either way, Im still holding onto my 9800 pro for some time to come because it runs well on all the
games I have played recently (inlcuding Doom 3), and the serious openGL apps I use (realtime
viewport rendering in 3D authoring) so its all really a bit academic for me, and it seems like its
the same for many others... sales of these high end cards seem to be petty low (so these price
points will have to drop fast IMO). Looks to me as if the buying public has warmed to the fact that
in the most likely gaming resolutions, there is really no difference between clutting and bleeding
edge cards. Even with the high gaming resolutions, you need a really powerfull CPU to push it, so
folks are saying no thanks.