I think many users *might* agree with me here.
It's kind off sickening when you buy a good game, painstakingly install all
the cd's, starting the game for the first time, on your latest pc equipped
with ATI's finest card knowing that it's way faster than nVidia counterpart
in same priceclass, and what do you see? A game manufacture movie/logo
followed by "NVIDIA! The way it's meant to be played".
It's kinda ok, if you had a nvidia card, but it sucks for ati systems.
Games i refer to are UT, U2, sacred and many more i can't remember.
I know there are editors/converters that can do the conversion to replace
nvidia load movie from many games. Some games like Sacred, uses mpeg or avi
formats, some use bink, so it's not hard.
So here's the question:
Isn't there any ATI movie/logo saying "Ati - get in the game" or something?
It's kind off sickening when you buy a good game, painstakingly install all
the cd's, starting the game for the first time, on your latest pc equipped
with ATI's finest card knowing that it's way faster than nVidia counterpart
in same priceclass, and what do you see? A game manufacture movie/logo
followed by "NVIDIA! The way it's meant to be played".
It's kinda ok, if you had a nvidia card, but it sucks for ati systems.
Games i refer to are UT, U2, sacred and many more i can't remember.
I know there are editors/converters that can do the conversion to replace
nvidia load movie from many games. Some games like Sacred, uses mpeg or avi
formats, some use bink, so it's not hard.
So here's the question:
Isn't there any ATI movie/logo saying "Ati - get in the game" or something?