ATI shipping R520 'Fudo' (PC) and R500 'Xenos' (Xbox360) graphics processors

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ATI shipping R520s and Xenos

Posted 10:11 - 12 July 2005 - by Wil Harris

Gone until 520?

ATI is starting to churn out supplies of its next generation chips, both for
the Xbox 360 and the PC.

According to reports on the Inquirer (here and here) the third tape-out of
the R520 graphics processor has gone according to plan - finally! Whilst the
first two goes resulted in wafers coming back that didn't have enough
working chips on them, this time around each wafer is yielding enough chips
to make full-on production viable.

What we still don't know is whether R520 is going to be 24 or 32 pipes - we
have a sneaking suspicion that it will be 32. But you can rest assured that
Nvidia will have their 7800 Ultra part waiting in the wings for whenever ATI
choose to launch the R520.

Of course, the problem for ATI is that Nvidia have really raised the bar for
launches, shipping the 7800 the same day they launched it. If ATI are to
avoid looking like poor relations, they're going to have to do the same -
and that's going to mean waiting until September.

In the meantime, IBM are ramping up production of the Xenos chip that will
be in the Xbox 360. Don't expect such problems on this: they're already
shipping out cards to developers who are working on the first batch of games
for the 360.

However, still no news on the appearance of Crossfire on the shelves. Last
we heard, ATI were having some problems with the compositing chip. There
appears to be the distinct possibility that we won't see Crossfire until
R520 starts to appear, despite the launch last month.
Highlander said:

ATI shipping R520s and Xenos

Posted 10:11 - 12 July 2005 - by Wil Harris

Gone until 520?

ATI is starting to churn out supplies of its next generation chips, both for
the Xbox 360 and the PC.

Actually, not. ATI designed it, but they aren't going to manufacture
the graphics chip for Microsoft. IBM is doing the actual manufacturing
of the ATI designed graphics chip for the XBox 360...
Blig said:
This just gets
funnier and funnier every month.

So riddle us again, Bilgepump, what will you do when the Xbox 360 is in
stores before Christmas as has always been planned, despite all these
technical non-issues you keep creaming yourself over? Oh wait, you're the
definitive ****head: "A ****head Must Never Back Down When Caught In A Lie."
Tho technically this isn't a lie so much as just one of your usual squealing
delusions. A-ROO-ROO-ROO!

Smart said:
Actually, not. ATI designed it, but they aren't going to manufacture
the graphics chip for Microsoft. IBM is doing the actual manufacturing
of the ATI designed graphics chip for the XBox 360...

That article is a total mess. ATI is not SHIPPING anything. They are
reporting a successful third tapeout for the R520, meaning they may
have evaluation product in two months with a paper launch in three
months. The R500-on-a-card was made by IBM for the xflop 1.5 full
circle beta devkits, which are reported to still be G5 motherboards BTW
(figures). The production R500 will be manufactured by TSMC but that
hasn't even been started yet. This is looking like a real mess for the
xflop 1.5 full circle. A GPU designed by ATI, turned over to IBM for a
prototype build that is on a graphics card, not the main board, then
turned over to a third party for manufacturing. Even considering the
time to get raw wafers, then they have to be cut, tested and packaged
which usually happens elsewhere than the main fab plant, like Indonesia
or Malaysia. Then you have the chip but now it has to go to wherever
the assembly is being done. This just gets funnier and funnier every
Zackman said:
So riddle us again, Bilgepump, what will you do when the Xbox 360 is in
stores before Christmas as has always been planned, despite all these
technical non-issues you keep creaming yourself over? Oh wait, you're the
definitive ****head: "A ****head Must Never Back Down When Caught In A
Lie." Tho technically this isn't a lie so much as just one of your usual
squealing delusions. A-ROO-ROO-ROO!

And are you going to apologize gracefully if Microsoft misses their
deadline? Won't be the first time they've missed a deadline you know.
So riddle us again, Bilgepump, what will you do when the Xbox 360 is in
stores before Christmas as has always been planned, despite all these
technical non-issues you keep creaming yourself over? Oh wait, you're the
definitive ****head: "A ****head Must Never Back Down When Caught In A Lie."
Tho technically this isn't a lie so much as just one of your usual squealing
delusions. A-ROO-ROO-ROO!

Unfortunately Bilgepump might just be right for once. Computex 2005
had zero working Xbox360 hardware, alpha or otherwise. It is going to
be quite a stretch to produce a few million Xbox360 units by mid
November -- WITHOUT ANY HARDWARE ERRORS. Little or no time for
effective QC with real applications, let alone test-programs.
Remember, unlike the modular PC, any hardware malfunction will require
warranty replacement of the whole unit, with huge losses to M$$. I
personally would not accept a re-conditioned Xbox360 as a warranty
replacement. ATi's slowness in producing the R520 is probably heavily
dependant on first draining the alligators out of the M$$ Xbox360

For any contemplating an Xbox360 purchase, I would recommend
waiting 3 months for any residual (er) "bugs" to show up and be
fixed. That is if the unit shows up at all before Christmas.

Ignore my sig. at your peril in this particular case.

John Lewis

- Technology early-birds are flying guinea-pigs.
It is going to
be quite a stretch to produce a few million Xbox360 units by mid

In 2001, the first Xbox came off the assembly line on Sept. 25 for a Nov. 15
launch. Even though the 360 is obviously a more complex machine, that still
gives ATI until roughly October to get their shit together for a December
launch. (December would be pushing it -- having the 360 in stores for
Thanksgiving would be a better goal -- but it would still be acceptable.)

And who says they're going to have a few million on launch day? I think just
getting a million into stores for launch would be a reasonable expectation.
For any contemplating an Xbox360 purchase, I would recommend
waiting 3 months for any residual (er) "bugs" to show up and be

Early adopters always pay the highest price for the buggiest product. It
took Sony several hardware versions to get all the kinks worked out of the
PS2 after all. And again, more than 80% of a console's lifetime sales happen
after it's been on the shelves for more than a year. Early adopters ARE
guinea pigs. But I'd rather be a guinea pig and get that year of gaming than
wait it out to save $100.

I'd rather be a guinea pig and get the hardware revision most capable
of exploitation (a la PSP) than get a locked down version later on down
the road.

Plus it's been 6 years since this generation started, it's time for a
new generation.

- Jordan
Smart Feet said:
Actually, not. ATI designed it, but they aren't going to manufacture the
graphics chip for Microsoft. IBM is doing the actual manufacturing of the
ATI designed graphics chip for the XBox 360...


*IBM is not doing the manufacturing of the ATI-designed graphics processor.

*IBM is only manufacturing their own IBM-designed *CPU* codenamed

*TSMC (in Taiwan ) and NEC (in Japan) are manufacturing the two pieces of
the Xbox 360 GPU / graphics processor.

*TSMC will fab the main part. NEC will fab the eDRAM module. then TSMC puts
both pieces together to form the Xenos GPU.
|<Highlander> wrote:
|Inappropriate cross-post/Spam.
|[email protected]
|[email protected]

Don't 'abuse' the abuse reporting on silly stuff like this. This in some way IS
relevant to these groups as gamers we should know what's going on.

Abuse should be reported for SCAMS,KIDDY PORN,RACIST stuff.. etc.. not this.

If it bothers you so much.. don't read his posts or killfile him, just don't
muddy up the TRUE value of reporting abusive posts.

Pluvious said:
If it bothers you so much.. don't read his posts or killfile him

The f*ckhead keeps changing names to avoid kill-files. More evidence
that he's an abusive spammer.