It's OC'd to 432/398 right now. When I first installed the Cooler and
ramsinks, I would get the card up to 445 on the core without artifacts.
Everyone has their favorite places to watch for tearing and sparkles; mine
was the dragon head and wings in Dragonic in 2001SE. That's the first place
they showed up for me. I can't remember where I set the memory OC, but it
was less than the 398 I use now. Anyway, someone here pointed out
ATITool.exe and I gave it a try. (you've probably seen ATiTool, but for
others reading this post who haven't.....) It's real fussy about artifacts.
It lets you scan for them and often says they're there even when you can't
see them on it's display. Now I use the settings it provides and I don't
notice any difference in performance. Probably I would if I used some
cooling on my ramsinks. As it is, I'm at about the same stage with ramsinks
that you're at without them. OCing further brings up the memory temperature
and negates the benefit. At least you could OC without cooling and get some
results. I couldn't. At 398, the memory got so hot I burned my finger on one
of the chips. I don't mean that as an expression, I really burned my finger.
It didn't blister, but it turned pink.
I've seen that Zalman bracket. It looks like it could be useful in a lot of
applications. It's about time someone came out with something like that.
What I would need is something blowing from the front of my case toward the
back so it would cool all the ramsinks. I'm just not certain that I'm going
to bother with it for a while. I've got a duct that I used quite a while ago
that goes on one of my front case fans and it might line up pretty good with
the ramsinks. Maybe I'll try it some day. As it is, I don't have any of the
case fans turned on anymore. I like it quiet

Maybe a Zalman fan like you have would be quiet enough and I could replace
my current case fan with it. Something to look into.