On 11/18/05, I bought an ATIx800XT AIW vidcard at CompUSA, and sent in
the rebate from the next day. It is now beyond the 8-10 week period for
payment of the rebate, so I called the 888 number today to follow-up.
It turns out that they have no record of receiving the rebate form from
me (surprise, surprise...). They suggested that I re-submit it.
Besides no longer having the proof-of-purchase (having submitted it the
first time), I also can't find the receipt of the purchase.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can follow-up on this? I
usually keep all reeipts and records, but can't find this one.
Note: This was an ATI rebate -- not a CompUSA rebate.
the rebate from the next day. It is now beyond the 8-10 week period for
payment of the rebate, so I called the 888 number today to follow-up.
It turns out that they have no record of receiving the rebate form from
me (surprise, surprise...). They suggested that I re-submit it.
Besides no longer having the proof-of-purchase (having submitted it the
first time), I also can't find the receipt of the purchase.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can follow-up on this? I
usually keep all reeipts and records, but can't find this one.
Note: This was an ATI rebate -- not a CompUSA rebate.