S Scot Jul 1, 2003 #2 Which is the best tweak program for a 9800 pro? Thanks. -- Asus A7N8X deluxe rev. 2.0 AMD XP 3200+, 400fsb Corsair 512 meg x 2, XMS PC 3500 Radeon 9800 Pro, 256 DDR Click to expand... RivaTuner V2 Release 12.4 works with my 9800. Scot
Which is the best tweak program for a 9800 pro? Thanks. -- Asus A7N8X deluxe rev. 2.0 AMD XP 3200+, 400fsb Corsair 512 meg x 2, XMS PC 3500 Radeon 9800 Pro, 256 DDR Click to expand... RivaTuner V2 Release 12.4 works with my 9800. Scot