..::Ati Radeon Drivers Compared::..


Cookie Monster
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hey all,

I found this very intresting article about Ati drivers, some tested 5 different drivers on a number of bechmarks to find out which is the best. Omega didnt do as good as I thought they would, seeing as there supposed to be tweaked for gaming, but i guess you can see for youselves here: http://www.absoluteinsight.net/1443

The differences are more than likely un-noticable during gameplay though, as the results are only a few Ten/Hundred apart here and there. Its pretty useful though, as not long ago there was a little debat on here about Catalyst and Omega drivers ;).
intresting - i've only used the lastest Catalyst and Omega drivers - and i changed back to the catalyst drive - i i thou JOTR was running much slower !

seeams i was right !

reef - my mate just got a FX 5900 - and he's got AMD 3200 - and it's running slower than another of my mates fx 5900 and he's got a celeron - not sure what speed - it also runs slower than my old fx 5600 xt on a 2,2ghz p4

so the Q is - what things should he check - that might be holding his card back ?
he got the lastest driver! and checked to see if his bios are set to 8x!
Well you should try and benchmark the computers to see if there is a difference 1st. If there is, then try changing the drivers for some older ones, the forceware drivers between 50 and 59 are supposed to be the best for Nvidia's FX cards. Anything I tried higher than that just made sisters FX 5600 slower.

I think im using 56.72 on hers now, and it seem to be doing the business.
If he does have drivers between 50-59, ask him to see if he has set the AGP to 8X in the bios. My friends was set to 4X for along time, though he didnt notice a loss in gameplay, his Aquamark 3 score was more than halved compared to mine even though we have basicly the same spec pc.

I dont know where you can download the older drivers from, so you'll probably have to see if there on an older demo disc.
Ahh, good one flopps :D .

Ask your friend to try something around 56, they seem to be good for me, even when i had my FX5200 they worked fine.
my mate got 13068 on 2dmark 01 - is that any good for a fx 5900 ?

he downloading 03 and goto try that !
I'm not sure about what is a good score for an FX5900 on 3DMark01, I've never really used it. But with 3DMark03, he really hould be looking at the high 4000 mark.

Is his card just a plain FX5900, or maybe an FX5900XT or the best of the lot an FX5900Ultra? A plain FX5900 should get more than a FX5900XT.
My friend gets over 5500 on 3DMark03 with his AMD 2200XP (throughbred) , 9800pro and a gig of ram.