AMD 1800+,Elite k7s5a,ATI radeon 9200,Windows ME,400 watt power supply
60 gig Hard drive 7200 rpm,Sony cd drive verbatuim dvd rw
I have the above system I just put in the radeon video card when I
boot my system I do not get the splash screen that says what the card
is and how much memory it has.With the old card it said what it
identified itself.What is the cause of this?Thanks in advance.Fred
60 gig Hard drive 7200 rpm,Sony cd drive verbatuim dvd rw
I have the above system I just put in the radeon video card when I
boot my system I do not get the splash screen that says what the card
is and how much memory it has.With the old card it said what it
identified itself.What is the cause of this?Thanks in advance.Fred