ATI Radeon 9200 AGP

Jul 18, 2007
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ATI radeon 9200 what a fine mess, I bought my Card from EBAY without the leads or original instillation CD not knowing the how difficult they would be to track down and now we are unable to use the DVD.

What is the name given to the Video In & Video Out leads shipped with the ATI ALL IN WONDER RADEON 9200

As they are different from those shipped with my old ATI RAGE 128 PRO and where can I obtained them

ATI Canada & America will not accept foreign credit cards

They don’t like our money

Thank you in advance
So eh, why buy a 9200 in the first place? im sure a 9800 all in wonder are easier to find and is faster
Well for the installation CD, why do you not simply pull the drivers off the web?:)

And as for the cables, I would presume you are talking about

How many/what connections do you actually need from these? Because it would be easier just to find the seperate cables you need, depending on what you want to use it for.

I seriously doubt you will get the actual cables that came with this seperately from the card.

I agree with Alf too that you probably shouldn't have bought this card, unless your system is pretty old, which seeing as you were using a RAGE, I presume it is?
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It wont be the last time you buy things on good faith :p