Danny Greaves
ATI customer care actually started answering support ticket
questions apparently! Anyone else notice a improvement?
I was so suprised I sent another one (previously unsolved) about
videosoap just to see what would happen. Sure enough, a human
answered my question. (see below) Wow!
..** I did this:
.. Sent a customer care ticket.
.. Received a automated response that said to reply if i still need help. (same day)
.. I replied.
.. Received a response from a real PERSON that actually answered my question! (next day)
..** ATI response:
.. We have responded to your issue.
.. Solution:
.. Videosoap actually requires a P4 class processor to be available. If you can test the
.. card in a Pentium 4 based system, the options should be available.
.. Ticket Information:
.. Ticket #: 737-870233
.. Date Created: 9/6/2005 4:49 PM EDT
.. Category: Solve a Problem
questions apparently! Anyone else notice a improvement?
I was so suprised I sent another one (previously unsolved) about
videosoap just to see what would happen. Sure enough, a human
answered my question. (see below) Wow!
..** I did this:
.. Sent a customer care ticket.
.. Received a automated response that said to reply if i still need help. (same day)
.. I replied.
.. Received a response from a real PERSON that actually answered my question! (next day)
..** ATI response:
.. We have responded to your issue.
.. Solution:
.. Videosoap actually requires a P4 class processor to be available. If you can test the
.. card in a Pentium 4 based system, the options should be available.
.. Ticket Information:
.. Ticket #: 737-870233
.. Date Created: 9/6/2005 4:49 PM EDT
.. Category: Solve a Problem