John Capriotti
I pre-ordered my 9600 XT well over a month ago and it still hasn't shipped.
Oh well, I thought, I guess they underestimated the demand and I was cool
with that.
What I wasn't cool with was finding the ATI 9600 XT - the exact product that
I ordered, HL2 certificate and everything - sitting available and for sale
on the shelf at Best Buy this afternoon.
What's the point of pre-ordering? Why is ATI shipping out cards to
retailers and telling me that it's unavailable? Why could some schmoe
wander into Best Buy and buy that card on a whim, yet I'm sitting around
waiting on a card I already paid for?
Or am I completely wrong in my understanding of what a pre-order is? I
assumed I'd get some of the first ones available.
I'm really irritated. I just cancelled my order for the 9600. As soon as
the money appears back on my credit card I'll be purchasing a GeForce 5700.
The last ATI card I bought was around 1995, and they lost me as a customer
due to poor service back then. I thought that the company had undergone a
refocusing on customer service in recent years, but apparently I was
Oh well, I thought, I guess they underestimated the demand and I was cool
with that.
What I wasn't cool with was finding the ATI 9600 XT - the exact product that
I ordered, HL2 certificate and everything - sitting available and for sale
on the shelf at Best Buy this afternoon.
What's the point of pre-ordering? Why is ATI shipping out cards to
retailers and telling me that it's unavailable? Why could some schmoe
wander into Best Buy and buy that card on a whim, yet I'm sitting around
waiting on a card I already paid for?
Or am I completely wrong in my understanding of what a pre-order is? I
assumed I'd get some of the first ones available.
I'm really irritated. I just cancelled my order for the 9600. As soon as
the money appears back on my credit card I'll be purchasing a GeForce 5700.
The last ATI card I bought was around 1995, and they lost me as a customer
due to poor service back then. I thought that the company had undergone a
refocusing on customer service in recent years, but apparently I was