Any X800 product huh? Does that mean it can run AGP cards to? Since i own
a X800 XT PE? Doubt it I guess it cant be used with ANY X800
or X850. Unless im wrong?
PCIe only of course. No surprise there.
X50 Crossfire card only works with another
X850 board ( any version, PCIe)
X800 Crossfire card only works with another
X800 board ( any version, PCIe )
Ati claims a more versatile solution than nVidia.
However, having to committ to a Crossfire card up front,
let alone the motherboard does not seem very attractive.
And the Crossfire cards WILL be very low-volume, as they will
be purchase only by those fully intending to pair them up with
a stanard card. The number of people demanding this sort
of graphics performance ( only wealthy gaming enthusiasts)
is small; thus the volume of Crossfire cards will be small and
the prices high. The nVidia solution pairs up standard
high-volume cards.
Also, Ati's solution is coming a year late and time-coincident
with the release of the next-gen GPUs (G70 and R520).
Many people have been pairing up 6600GTs on SLI
motherboards. Into the same (SLI) motherboard they can
now plug a single R520 or G70 card, leaving the second
PCIe16 socket area free for multiple-head video or some
other device ( such as an AGEIA physics processor,
maybe... ) and sell off the 2 6600GT boards separately
or as a pair.
John Lewis