No. 2GB of RAM is very necessary for an increasing set of applications. 4GB
will be necessary before you know it. Here are a few of the games/apps that
I run now that benefit greatly from 2GB of RAM over 1GB. The improvement is
even more noticeable in a multitasking environment. Let's put it this way;
when I'm done playing the game in question, I want to launch IE and Outlook
Express and explorer etc etc with the same speed as before I entered the
game. This means that nothing should have been pushed to swap as a result of
playing the game.
- Battlefield2
- Steam/HL2 or CS:S
- Black and White 2
- Multi-gigabyte Torrents can eat up a ton of RAM... at least in Bit-tornado
they do.
- F.E.A.R.
the list goes on... and will only increase with time.
None of this is to say that running the above is impossible with 1GB of RAM.
On the contrary, many will find the performance acceptable with 1 GB.
However, I'm a speed freak. I've always been. I'm very impatient. I want the
fastest cars, the fastest bikes, the fastest computers, the fastest
anything. My dream job is to be a fighter pilot and get behind the stick of
an F22, but, unfortunately, my eye sight is not good enough. Ironically, my
eye sight is no good from my early PC days when I would spend 10 hours a day
staring at a shitty 15" monitor. So, by the time I graduated high-school my
eye sight had deteriorated to the point where I never could have flown one
of the super jets. As a result, I work with computers for a living
Sorry for the digression. What I was getting at is, for me, there is a very,
very significant difference between 1GB and 2GB and now that I've had 2GB I
could never go back to 1 and enjoy the same speed and smoothness with my
application set that I do now. Damn run on sentences.