ATI cards and RF-style interference?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dom Robinson
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Dom Robinson

I've posted before about the ATI 9600TX that's in a Medion Titanium MD8008 PC
(see here for spec ), but am
really getting nowhere in trying to track down why there's this style of
picture interference on the s-video output and I'm getting nothing at all from
the composite out.

Before I phoned Medion for a call-out, as that's the next thing to do, as
suggested by them by email, I want to be sure that this is going to resolve it
and NOT be the first of many call-outs in trying to resolve something they
don't seem to have come across before.

I've eliminated all other potential forms of interference by disconnecting and
switching off this and that, and also plugging it directly into the TV on its
own without even a monitor connected, but I'm still getting horizontal lines
going up or down the screen (tends to alternate) and lots more diagonal lines
of interference, all at the same time. The TV is a 3-yr-old Panasonic TXW32R4
and had no such problems with video cards used in previous PCs (ATI 8500LE
64Mb and Voodoo 3 3000 16Mb).

I even bought an s-video cable from Maplin which is meant to be shielded and
eliminates this kind of interference, and cost £25 so I'll take it back
shortly, as it didn't solve it.

The question is, what possibly can be causing this interference? Could it be
the ATI 9600TX card because not even the composite's working (I connected it
directly from the PC to the correct channels on my VCR, as I've done many
times before and I double-checked this, and also removed the s-video lead at
the same time in case one dominated the other - as happened with the ATI
8500LE), or is there a setting in the card's display properties that's
conflicting with this and by changing that I'll resolve it?

I have the resolution set to 1024x768, but the same happens at 800x600. Any
higher on a 17" monitor wouldn't be useable for daily use.

Hope someone can help with this please.


Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
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do you have any fans,ac power adapters,cordless phones, near or about
your computer bad grounds , if they are too close they will
interfer. a cheap vcr i have run into some freaky stuff thats
been messing with my computer my dad was a ham operater and a
sparkys on a submarine you be suprized theses days what can cause
RF. i learned from him. and i still have people who get amased
when i move a fan or such away from thier computer and its fixed.
Dom Robinson said:
Ta for your reply.

I've unplugged many things to eliminate the interference. I've got AC adapters
for an Amstrad Emailer Plus phone and La-z-boy (this has two) but have
unplugged those. Would leaving them unplugged make any difference or do they
have to be physically moved as well?
I would've thought they'd make no problem when off.

I'll try unplugging several things one at a time tomorrow just in case.

It's just so annoying that the new s-video lead made no difference. I've got a
stack of VCR/amp etc near the TV so will check them one by one as well.


Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 933 DVDs, 255 games, 33 videos, 63 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* wild at heart, super monkey ball 2, 24, dan's movie digest, daredevil comp
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -

Can you plug the TV into the same powerstrip as the PC?
Can you plug the TV into the same powerstrip as the PC?
Just a bit too far away unfortunately. Would that help for definite, though?

Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 933 DVDs, 255 games, 33 videos, 63 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* wild at heart, super monkey ball 2, 24, dan's movie digest, daredevil comp
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -
do you have any fans,ac power adapters,cordless phones, near or about
your computer bad grounds , if they are too close they will
interfer. a cheap vcr i have run into some freaky stuff thats
been messing with my computer my dad was a ham operater and a
sparkys on a submarine you be suprized theses days what can cause
RF. i learned from him. and i still have people who get amased
when i move a fan or such away from thier computer and its fixed.
Just tried unplugging things now. Other than the PC and monitor, I have 17
things in the room that are plugged into the mains. NONE of them caused this
same problem with the PC I had before (the graphics card for which was an ATI
Radeon 8500LE 64Mb) and I've just tried unplugging them all one by one and
checking the results. Nothing made any difference.

Also this afternoon I took back the £25 s-video Thor shielded lead to Maplin
as that didn't solve the problem either.

So, it's got to be something within the PC that's causing the problem. Given
how no-one else I know in life or online seems to have come across this
problem, and how the composite output on the ATI Radeon 9600TX doesn't work at
all (even when used instead of its s-video out, just in case one dominated the
other) I figure it's a problem with the card.

Again, I welcome any input anyone can make on this before I call Medion to
arrange a call-out (but then I don't know what their lead time is as I'm going
to have to book a day off as a result and I just hope it works)


Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 933 DVDs, 255 games, 33 videos, 63 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* wild at heart, super monkey ball 2, 24, dan's movie digest, daredevil comp
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -
patrickp@ said:
It could well be, JF. Additionally, it's not particularly safe to connect
together devices powered from different mains sources anyway.
Is that even if it's all coming from the power supply overall anyway, and all
in the same room?

Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 935 DVDs, 256 games, 33 videos, 63 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* the hitcher, phone booth, speed kings, 24, wild at heart, s/monkey ball 2
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -
When you say the composite output connector is dead I would think that's also
what's creating your problem(s).
But I don't understand. If you know the card (your source) is bad then that's

Here is a link for RTVI problem solving you might like.

oh and I believe the other poster's reference to power source means circuit
breaker's stuff like that...

good luck

patrickp@ said:
The fact that it's in the same room means nothing. If you're certain it
comes from the same power supply, that the wiring has been reliably done and
that you're not dealing with a power supply that may use more than one
phase, you should be Ok, apart from the previously mentioned possibility of
earth loops. In practice, it's always safest to run all interconnected
devices from the same point - after all, that sort of equipment doesn't draw
anything like the sort of amperage that fires, kettles etc do.

Yep, it's all coming from the same double-plug and all of it's from the same
power supply in the house which was rewired about two years ago.

I put Zee's experience with his AIW 9700Pro card to ATI and they said:

"Regarding the interference issue you are experiencing:

The issue described by the individual on the newgroup is specific to an All in
Wonder 9700 Pro, using the input for TV. This would not apply to your

However, I still believe that getting a replacement is the best solution to
your problem."

So, it'll be a call to Medion to organise a call out for a replacement. (sigh)

Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 935 DVDs, 256 games, 33 videos, 63 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* the hitcher, phone booth, speed kings, 24, wild at heart, s/monkey ball 2
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -
When you say the composite output connector is dead I would think that's =
what's creating your problem(s).
But I don't understand. If you know the card (your source) is bad then t=

Well I wasn't sure if the ATI card was just poorly shielded, or if it was
something else in the new PC causing the problem. However, it's looking like
it's the ATI card.
Here is a link for RTVI problem solving you might like.

oh and I believe the other poster's reference to power source means circu=
breaker's stuff like that...

Looks like it's just a shitty ATI card that's inherently faulty.

Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 935 DVDs, 256 games, 33 videos, 63 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* the hitcher, phone booth, speed kings, 24, wild at heart, s/monkey ball 2
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -
When you say the composite output connector is dead I would think that's =
what's creating your problem(s).
Please forgive the stupid question, but presumably the composite connector on
the ATI Radeon 9600TX 128Mb card should just output a signal as usual without
any extra tinkering in the display properties.

Also, can the card output composite and s-video simulatenously? I'm happy for
this to be an identical output but it would be handy if it did both at the
same time.


Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 935 DVDs, 256 games, 33 videos, 67 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* the hitcher, phone booth, speed kings, 24, wild at heart, s/monkey ball 2
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -
Please forgive the stupid question, but presumably the composite connector on
the ATI Radeon 9600TX 128Mb card should just output a signal as usual without
any extra tinkering in the display properties.

Also, can the card output composite and s-video simulatenously? I'm happy for
this to be an identical output but it would be handy if it did both at the
same time.
Anyone know, please?


Dom Robinson Gamertag: DVDfever dom at dvdfever dot co dot uk
/* (editor)
/* 935 DVDs, 258 games, 33 videos, 67 cinema films, 69 CDs, laserdiscs & news
/* tomb raider angel of darkness, hulk, 24, speed kings, hitcher, phone booth
TV Hates U: BBC2 & UK Gold:
Big Brother 4 -