ATI "All-In-Wonder"? video card


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
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I dont know a lot about ATI video cards, but i was wondering what is the difference between the "Radeon" and the "ALL-IN-WONDER" video card series. Actually what is a ALL-IN-Wonder card about? is it better than a Radeon?
An all in wonder is just an ati card with TV connectivity. Being able to watch normal telly though your computer. Theres prolly some more features, but thats the main one.

A 9800pro All-In-Wonder would perform the same in games as a normal 9800pro.

There quite expensive, but kinda useful.
I believe AIW cards are just part of the Radeon range with enhanced features like a TV tuner / FM radio / DVD incorporated. That is, they are multimedia orientated. Their performance is comparable or slightly better than Radeon cards having the same basic designation, e.g 9600, 9800.
An ATI AIW card will have exactly the same features as it's more naked brethren, model number for model number.

In addition, it will have a TV Tuner, an FM Radio tuner, and most pertinently, will have VIVO functionality (Video In Video Out).

This will enable you to capture video from an external analogue or digital source.

ATI also supplies it's own full multi media software suite with AIW cards, which can be updated from ATI's site at intervals.

They're good, though a tad pricey, imo.

Here's a site showing specs of just about every video card ever made, showing memory speeds: 3D Chipset Specs. Good one to bookmark :)
i meant to make it so it appears as CLICK HERE (or whatever) and it becomes underlined and blue and when you click it it takes you there...

I really am no good at remembering code. Learning Turbo Pascal 7 at college is hard enough!
christopherpostill said:
i meant to make it so it appears as CLICK HERE (or whatever) and it becomes underlined and blue and when you click it it takes you there...

I really am no good at remembering code. Learning Turbo Pascal 7 at college is hard enough!
In reply to point a) What I've outlined would do that.

In reply to point b) If I can remember that, anybody can. You're lazy :p

now i have to learn in which order things are done when giving cashback at sainsburys. Got fired from the golf club, now a checkout operator. Thats hard enough!