I just skimmed over the AGP 8x spec. (again). It looks like SBA is REQUIRED
for AGP 8x operation (so much for myths and rumors): "
2.3.1 AGP Transaction Requests
In the past, AGP transactions could be generated using two modes: PIPE and
SBA. The core-logic
had to support both modes, while the AGP Master could optionally use either.
AGP3.0 does not
support using PIPE mode to generate an AGP request. This leaves only the SBA
scheme, which is no
longer optional. When operating in AGP3.0 mode, the PIPE# signal pin on the
AGP connector is given
a new function, DBI-HI. A "universal" implementation must multiplex PIPE#
and DBI_HI onto the same
signal pin and select the right function based on the signaling mode of
So you can't have AGP 8x w/o SBA. Source: agp30SpecUpdate06-21.pdf.