ATI 4850 Issue

Apr 14, 2009
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Now i bought my computer around 6months ago, its a fairly descent gaming computer. I have the ATI 4850 installed. Now when i first bought the computer i tried playing "rainbow 6 Vegas 2" and around 5-10 minutes into the game the game would freeze and usualy take me to the desktop, An ATI error would occur.... something along the lines the graphics is now longer responding to the drivers.

It would do this time after time i wasnt really overly concerned but now as this is my main gaming Rig it does, as it does the same on all 3D games, such as "left 4 dead" "Need 4 speed" Etc.

Now i have researched into it and found many people stateing the same problems with the 4850 and various other Ati graphics cards, but no where that i can see has a soloution but there must be? Otherwise who would buy these dam cards.

Temps according to Speed Fan are all below 40C so that cant be an issue plus i have the Antec 900 case a good case for air flow.

I would greatly appreatice any advise or soloutions....

( I have got the lastest drivers )

knopy said:

Now i bought my computer around 6months ago, its a fairly descent gaming computer. I have the ATI 4850 installed. Now when i first bought the computer i tried playing "rainbow 6 Vegas 2" and around 5-10 minutes into the game the game would freeze and usualy take me to the desktop, An ATI error would occur.... something along the lines the graphics is now longer responding to the drivers.

It would do this time after time i wasnt really overly concerned but now as this is my main gaming Rig it does, as it does the same on all 3D games, such as "left 4 dead" "Need 4 speed" Etc.

Now i have researched into it and found many people stateing the same problems with the 4850 and various other Ati graphics cards, but no where that i can see has a soloution but there must be? Otherwise who would buy these dam cards.

Temps according to Speed Fan are all below 40C so that cant be an issue plus i have the Antec 900 case a good case for air flow.

I would greatly appreatice any advise or soloutions....

( I have got the lastest drivers )


Have you tried a clean reinstall with the latest ATI Drivers? once you have removed the drivers through add and remove programs download this it will remove any left over files that are left behind. How old is this card?
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Yeah i have not really give it ago but i will do. I cant really see it doing much, but anythings better than nothing.

The card in terms of when i bought it?

Well that was around 6months ago.

The card has been out on the market for around 2years maybe... Just don't quote me.

Which ever one you meant :)

Thanks for speedy reply...
Just tried it..... Still the same problem

Anyone know of any solutions or heard anything?
knopy said:
Just tried it..... Still the same problem

Anyone know of any solutions or heard anything?

Ok so you say that other people with the same card have the same issues? It sounds as if the card is faulty or the memory on the card has become faulty. I would see if you can get it replaced. I have had problems like this in the past with ATI cards and switched to Nvidia and have had no problems.
wizkid said:
Ok so you say that other people with the same card have the same issues? It sounds as if the card is faulty or the memory on the card has become faulty. I would see if you can get it replaced. I have had problems like this in the past with ATI cards and switched to Nvidia and have had no problems.

Yeah i mean from a simple Google search there are a number of threads of forums that mention issues the same or similar to my own. Yeah i guess so this is already my second one after my first was faulty! I guess i am going to avoid ATI in the future.

Thanks for your help.
knopy said:
Yeah i mean from a simple Google search there are a number of threads of forums that mention issues the same or similar to my own. Yeah i guess so this is already my second one after my first was faulty! I guess i am going to avoid ATI in the future.

Thanks for your help.

It looks as if this has become faulty as well, where did you send the last card back to ATI or the retailer it might be worth contacting the retailer as this card is under warranty still and saying that you have had a replacement card of the same model and that you are still having issues, and see if they can replace it with an alternative one.