Just installed a Sapphire 2900xt graphics card in my xp based system, now
I've been having all these problems with the desktop going blank and locking
solid or vpu recover resetting.
System is a quad core 6600 Intel cpu (stock speed, water cooled) Abit AW9D
board, 3 gig ocz 800 gold memory,sata2 500 gig Maxtor hd, Hiper TypeR 580
watt ps,XP sp2.
I've been pulling my hair out with this one trying all sorts of configs and
drivers, got the latest BIOS for my board etc. I was just begining to face
up to the fact that maybe my power supply wasn't up to the job although all
my voltages showed good healthy readings. All the crashes are using 2d apps
and games work without problems. I can run COD2, Fear, Quake4, 3Dmark06 etc
without problems
but as soon as I have a few things running on the desktop, tv card , web
browsing etc then it's not long
before the vpu recover resets it, I also get artefacts and weird remnants
when I open my Uguru
utility for my Abit board.
When I replace the card with my old X1900XTX then all the probs disappear
anyone have similar problems? not getting any joy from AMD/ATI support
I've been having all these problems with the desktop going blank and locking
solid or vpu recover resetting.
System is a quad core 6600 Intel cpu (stock speed, water cooled) Abit AW9D
board, 3 gig ocz 800 gold memory,sata2 500 gig Maxtor hd, Hiper TypeR 580
watt ps,XP sp2.
I've been pulling my hair out with this one trying all sorts of configs and
drivers, got the latest BIOS for my board etc. I was just begining to face
up to the fact that maybe my power supply wasn't up to the job although all
my voltages showed good healthy readings. All the crashes are using 2d apps
and games work without problems. I can run COD2, Fear, Quake4, 3Dmark06 etc
without problems
but as soon as I have a few things running on the desktop, tv card , web
browsing etc then it's not long
before the vpu recover resets it, I also get artefacts and weird remnants
when I open my Uguru
utility for my Abit board.
When I replace the card with my old X1900XTX then all the probs disappear
anyone have similar problems? not getting any joy from AMD/ATI support