athlonXP vs P4

  • Thread starter Thread starter Morgan
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anyone got any thoughts on which is the best value cpu?

also on the MP versions as well!
Englander said:
anyone got any thoughts on which is the best value cpu?

also on the MP versions as well!

The MP's are more Expensive than the XP's
The p4's are more expensive than the XP's

Value as in?
Value for money?.. Value for MultiMedia?.. Value for ??
rstlne said:
Value as in?
Value for money?.. Value for MultiMedia?.. Value for ??

Value for inciting opinions strong enough to get involved in a flame war :-)

I think 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. It depends on what you are
doing as to which performs better. Then there is the question of whether
to compare them by clock speed or by performance per dollar. Clock speed
per clock speed, the Athlon usually wins, but there again it depends on
what you are benchmarking. As far as performance per dollar, for the
things I do the Athlon wins there too, but that's certainly not the case
in all situations. It simply depends on what you need the system to do.
I prefer the Athlons, but that's only because I got used to working with
them back when the Athon was the hands down benchmark king. Not the case
now. At any rate, "bench racing" is pointless as it's pure speculation.
Start looking up benchmarks on the two for the applications you intend
to run and compare prices.
i recently made this decision - i chose the P4 3.0 GHz.

here's are the two websites that helped me:

seems to me that P4 was superior in most things i care about. also,
the price difference (a la pricewatch) wasn't compelling enough to go
for amd.

toms hardware guide has a bunch of other articles about p4 vs. amd.
you should probably go check those out instead posting flamebait on
usenet. ;-)
nerdb0t said:
i recently made this decision - i chose the P4 3.0 GHz.

here's are the two websites that helped me:

seems to me that P4 was superior in most things i care about. also,
the price difference (a la pricewatch) wasn't compelling enough to go
for amd.

toms hardware guide has a bunch of other articles about p4 vs. amd.
you should probably go check those out instead posting flamebait on
usenet. ;-)

When you post THG as a reference, that by itself is flamebait.

THG is the last place anyone should look for information
about anything. They have absolutely *no* credibility.

A thousand other sites - and every last one of them more credible
that THG - have up-to-date P4 vs Athlon benchmarking. The OP can
find them easily if he could be bothered to use a search engine.
I've been building with AMD for a number of years. The last Intel chip I
used was the Pentium 90. However the system I just built has an Intel 2.6C
chip in it. What changed my opinion?

1). At stock voltages, I'm running this chip at 3.33gHz. I got a good deal
through Staples and paid only $170 for it 2 months ago (I think it will be
retailing for that in a week or 2).
2). I got sick of the heat- and thus fan noise- that I was having with the
XP. Now from about 5 feet away I can't tell if the computer is on or not (I
use an Antec S nad a Zalman 7000AlCu cooler). My temps are around 25C CPU
and 28C MB.
3). Hyperthreading is a real advantage if you're running more than 2
programs at once.

I hope that the Athlon64 will be a real success, but for now sad to say
Intel is the way to go both from the performance and cost effectiveness
I got my 2400XP for under $100. I felt that I didn't need the latest,
greatest stuff, so that's what I went with. It's hard to call it
"last generation," because it still posts respectable benchmarks.
Nothing earth-shattering, but nothing to be ashamed of, either.
Can you please clarify; your CPU is running cooler than your MB?
25C is barely above room temperature.
I would think thats not possible unless you're running either
water cooled or refrigeration units.
I'm not familiar with the Antec S nad a Zalman 7000AlCu cooler
nerdb0t said:
toms hardware guide has a bunch of other articles about p4 vs. amd.
you should probably go check those out instead posting flamebait on
usenet. ;-)

I've checked Toms Hardware many times. I never found it overly
credible. If you call what I wrote flame bait, I have to wonder if you
are capable of comprehending the english language. All I said was which
performs better depends entirely on what you are doing. I stand by every
word of it, and it was far less inflammatory than what *you* wrote.
BTW, nice nym... appropriate. THAT'S flame bait. ;-)