Paul Wickham
Can one tell me what the multiplier fsb and voltages etc should be for a AMD
64 3200 on a gigabyte GA-K8VT800 bios F7 using DDR400 if i set them manually
though i thought the multiplier was locked? I am not convinced the bios is
recognising it correctly. CPUID obviously recognises the speed to be 2057
mhz correctly but if i play with EasyTune 4 or EasyTune 5 it gives me a
speed of 1005.02mhz with a system bus of 200 and a dram of 400 in linear
mode or a speed of 1850.50 in divider mode also multiplier seems to vary
between 5.9 x or 11 x so I am totally lost so which is correct
64 3200 on a gigabyte GA-K8VT800 bios F7 using DDR400 if i set them manually
though i thought the multiplier was locked? I am not convinced the bios is
recognising it correctly. CPUID obviously recognises the speed to be 2057
mhz correctly but if i play with EasyTune 4 or EasyTune 5 it gives me a
speed of 1005.02mhz with a system bus of 200 and a dram of 400 in linear
mode or a speed of 1850.50 in divider mode also multiplier seems to vary
between 5.9 x or 11 x so I am totally lost so which is correct