At wits end! Help, please!

  • Thread starter Thread starter William G. Davis
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William G. Davis

IE constantly nags with the alert bar claiming download Active X stuff has
been blocked, so my page might not load properly. It beeps, and nags, and
changes my mouse pointer, and shows a yellow shield all over the browser.

I have followed its own directions repeatedly to turn it off, but it will
not turn off! I am ready to kill IE and go to opera, or firefox, or
something, but I do not really want to do this.

Can someone please tell me really how to turn the whole thing off once and
for all?


I run Norton Anti-Virus 2004 daily and its on autoupdate. I run Spybot, and
AdAware SE daily, and check for updates daily, I run MS AntiSpyware daily,
and it is on autoupdate, I use SpywareBlaster with everything enabled, and I
update it every other day. Once a week I get the latest MS Malware Removal
Tool out and run it.

Yes, I think about spyware all the time. This is either a setting problem
with IE, or something in IE is corrupted, or something is masking the
settings I have. I'm getting these alerts on two sets of pages I visit
multiple times daily -- and Seldom anywhere else.

I have followed the instructions on the nag bar to a tee, and nothing will
stop this thing from not only popping up at the top of my active window, but
also making a noise when it appears. I have the popup blocker noise
unchecked. I have yet to see anywhere where there is a setting to turn off
this nagbar's noise, or to turn it off entirely. Surely someone out there
has built some sort of suppression script...if they can suppress MSN
Messenger, they should be able to suppress this, or give me a registry hack
to put this puppy to bed. It is far more nuisance than it is worth.