At last!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony \(UK\)
  • Start date Start date
Chrissy Cruiser said:
How does this compare to OE iyo?

It is not an email client, but a PIM, contacts, nice scheduler and
tree-structure notes. Has taken the place of three separate programmes on my
machine. It has thrown up an error when trying to insert a schedule over a
year away, but is not bad enough for it to crash. It is still in beta, but
this has loads of promise.

It is not an email client, but a PIM, contacts, nice scheduler and
tree-structure notes. Has taken the place of three separate programmes on my
machine. It has thrown up an error when trying to insert a schedule over a
year away, but is not bad enough for it to crash. It is still in beta, but
this has loads of promise.

I dloaded it an it is great. I don't use OE as either a newsreader or email
client (sux at both) and the import feature from OE (contacts, Tasks etc)
worked nearly flawlessly. Must read the underlying MSAcess db.
Tony said:
Pricelessware in the making?

Doesn't look like it if you read the license:

Freeware. You may use the SOFTWARE without charge. EPim Ltd. may place
advertisements in evaluation copies. EPim Ltd. will not monitor the content
of your use (e.g., sites selected or files used).
MAMEngineer said:
Tony (UK) wrote:

Doesn't look like it if you read the license:

Freeware. You may use the SOFTWARE without charge. EPim Ltd. may place
advertisements in evaluation copies. EPim Ltd. will not monitor the content
of your use (e.g., sites selected or files used).

The web pages say this. . .

"EPIM is free. Completely, no tricks, no adware/spyware,- just pure
quality software"

"Plus, the program is completely free and does not contain spyware,
adware or any other malicious code."

I wonder what their definition of "advertisements" is?

The web pages say this. . .

"EPIM is free. Completely, no tricks, no adware/spyware,- just pure
quality software"

"Plus, the program is completely free and does not contain spyware,
adware or any other malicious code."

I wonder what their definition of "advertisements" is?

I would not have thought that normal advertisements could be
considered malware such as adware or spyware.

However, I still do not like programs that have advertisements!!

But so far no ads have appeared. Maybe they mean in future versions.
I wonder what their definition of "advertisements" is?

That disclaimer Mamengineer found sounded pretty generic. I've seen
disclaimers of this type a few times even in clean Freeware. I think authors
do it to cover themselves in case they change their mind at some later time.

-- Bob
Hello everyone,
I am involved into EssentialPIM development. It is a great pleasure to
read that many people found EPIM useful. We released beta on tuesday
and received a lot of comments!
I wanted to clear this "advertising" thing. In the next version of EPIM
we will remove the sentences in question. We can promise there will
never be 3rd parties advertising, the ONLY advertisment we reserve the
right to is if we release, say, EPIM Pro, then we might put a note
about this version available to EPIM free users. And such advertisiment
would, of course, never hinder the usage of EPIM.
EPIM free is here to stay and develop. We are currently looking at
feature requests to sort the most useful ones (and realistic!) and
include them in the next version. Feel free to post your comments here
or on our forum at

Hope I have explained our position and the prospects of EPIM

Best regards,
Nope, it will not. EPIM free will stay free and develop. We MIGHT
release a Pro or some kind of advanced version, if there will be
certain required features, that will take a lot of resources from us,
but EPIM Free will be not affected by this.
Hope I have explained our position and the prospects of EPIM

There's nothing like a note from the developers to put speculation to rest!


-- Bob
We are currently looking at
feature requests to sort the most useful ones

A dialer and a more robust To-Do section with pop up alarms and the ability
to set a date for the To Dos (begin-end). Also, colorized by priority.

It's really very nice and thank you.
thank you for suggestions! Yes, advanced to-do will be implemented,
although can not promise the deadline.
Tony said:
It is not an email client, but a PIM, contacts, nice scheduler and
tree-structure notes. Has taken the place of three separate programmes on my
machine. It has thrown up an error when trying to insert a schedule over a
year away, but is not bad enough for it to crash. It is still in beta, but
this has loads of promise.

A good point Tony -
The way it looks, I helps you use OE into something more like Outlook
Pro - contacts, calendar, notes. Calendar is not sharable (a minus in
my book) and items can't be cross drag-and-dropped, but for people want
ing to have some additional functionality than mail/newsgroups, this
isn't bad.

John Hood
Web Site
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."
Susan said:
The web pages say this. . .

"EPIM is free. Completely, no tricks, no adware/spyware,- just pure
quality software"

"Plus, the program is completely free and does not contain spyware,
adware or any other malicious code."

I wonder what their definition of "advertisements" is?

What's the problem? It's okay for their web site to state the above.
What point am I missing here?
Jock said:
What's the problem? It's okay for their web site to state the above.
What point am I missing here?

Oh, I see now... Susan mucked up her quoting, hence my confusion.