At last the country has finally seen sense!


Member Extraordinaire
Dec 31, 2004
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This joke of a man and his cronies are on there way to where they should have been long ago after all appeals to remain here have been turned down..

Hope this is a warning to anyone else who gets big ideas and starts spouting rubbish and inciting terrorism on our country

Good riddance! :wave: :dance: I'll be at the bar at the airport waving him off if anyone wants to join me..:D
I'll be there with you CL.

What a total fiasco this has been. Her we have a man who is non-British coming to this country, which he hates, given state benefits for himself, his wife and seven kids, given a house to live in and a people carrier, because he has a disability, He has never paid anything into the system and wants to see the UK, as we know it, destroyed.

I remember when my Mum was alive a few years back that she was British, had paid into the system all her life and survived on the basic state pension with no extras. Where is the justice in that when these incomers get ten times more than she got each week.

When we have the chance to deport him it takes eight years and God knows how much money to get the job done. One of the other deportees has been spinning it out for fourteen years !!!!!

What sort of system is it we have here that allows this to happen. Surely, the law needs to be changed so that people can have one appeal only and then be chucked out.

This man, who everyone in the country wants out, has lived off you and me for many many years and hates us all (well, almost all). He has cost this country millions.

Let's hope that this really is the last we will see of him.

(Rant over)
I'll be there with you CL.

What a total fiasco this has been. Her we have a man who is non-British coming to this country, which he hates, given state benefits for himself, his wife and seven kids, given a house to live in and a people carrier, because he has a disability,

Yet our service men come back from protecting our country disabled and are refused any benefits. Something wrong with this picture I think.
:mad:The main problem we have become too PC correct and do not have control of our one borders now, I wont go on as it may seem political.
Well I`m sorry to say but this country deserves all it gets. Until we have a strong leader who has the country at heart,who will stand up to the E.U. Gets rid of `uman rights (or nodify it) and boots out P.C we are going to be caught out again and again.
Until we have a strong leader...

Roderick Spode?

So at last captain hook has gone. I`ve just read an article about the prison he will be sent to if he is found guilty,oh boy he is going to find it very different from Bellmarsh.Not for him the special taps installed for him so that he can use with his hooks (cost over £600) Not for him a comfortable cell where he could tap on the pipes sending out his rants to the other muslim nutters.No he is going to find it hard,the Americans will not hold back.No wonder he fought tooth and nail to stay in the U.K he is s..t scared.