What do people think when they want to call a web service from a presentation
layer? What I'm asking is how many people out there automatically think
asynchronous web service calls when doing a Windows forms UI talking to a
web service backend? I would be interested in hearing your views on this,
does everyone still use a RPC style when calling to a web service, even when
web service is your own??
I have an application that is designed to be distributed, it has a windows
forms UI and used web services for the 'middle tier'. At present I'm trying
to do all 'service' calls asynchronously. Am I making more work for myself?
Do Microsoft have abest practise for this?
Can there be any justification in calling a web service synchronously (apart
from it makes the client UI code simpler!)?
Comments welcome.
What do people think when they want to call a web service from a presentation
layer? What I'm asking is how many people out there automatically think
asynchronous web service calls when doing a Windows forms UI talking to a
web service backend? I would be interested in hearing your views on this,
does everyone still use a RPC style when calling to a web service, even when
web service is your own??
I have an application that is designed to be distributed, it has a windows
forms UI and used web services for the 'middle tier'. At present I'm trying
to do all 'service' calls asynchronously. Am I making more work for myself?
Do Microsoft have abest practise for this?
Can there be any justification in calling a web service synchronously (apart
from it makes the client UI code simpler!)?
Comments welcome.