Asynchronous web methods

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I am using the articles by Matt Powell about server side asynchronous web methods (as well as the client side article)
However i dont see any improvements to the speed of my application. I'm experiencing the
slow speed on the server side. I read that using a delegate to call an asynchronous metho
would be ineffecient and maybe causing the problem. Can someone give me some advice on wha
i can do to improve the speed without doing a complete rewrite (my code was based on a
synchronous piece)


server side cod
public delegate string ProcessMessageXML3AsyncStub(string asMessage)

public class MyStat

public object previousState
public ProcessMessageXML3AsyncStub asyncStub

public IAsyncResult BeginProcessMessageXML3(string asMessage,AsyncCallback cb, object s

ProcessMessageXML3AsyncStub stub = new ProcessMessageXML3AsyncStub(ProcessMessageXML3)
MyState ms = new MyState()
ms.previousState = s
ms.asyncStub = stub

return stub.BeginInvoke(asMessage, cb, ms)

public string EndProcessMessageXML3(IAsyncResult call

MyState ms = (MyState)call.AsyncState
return ms.asyncStub.EndInvoke(call)

public string ProcessMessageXML3(string asMessage

// Go to database and fill datatabl
OleDbConnection dbconn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=SQL;Password=SQL;Data Source=TestDB")
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Table1", dbconn)
DataTable dt = new DataTable()

this.dt = dt

if(dt.Rows.Count > 100

Thread newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.CreateMoreThreads))

MemoryStream ms = CreateStream(this.dt, 0, 100)

// Do some more IO stuf

return "something"

private void CreateMoreThreads(

// Create even more threads depending on the number of records returne
// and do more IO stuf

Client sid
private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e

this.webservice1 = new localhost.Service1()
this.ds = new DataSet()

AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback(this.ServiceCallback)

this.webservice1.BeginProcessMessageXML3(textBox4.Text, callback, null);

private void ServiceCallback(IAsyncResult result

localhost.Service1 ws = new localhost.Service1()
string s1 = ws.EndProcessMessageXML3(result)

object[] args = {s1}
this.Invoke(new ProcessStringDelegate(ProcessString), args)

public delegate void ProcessStringDelegate(string as1)

private void ProcessString(string as1

// Process the string her

Thanks for your post. I reviewed your description and web methods
client/server code carefully, and now I'd like to share the following
information with you:

1. I believe that your design is good and efficient. I noticed that you
code is based on asynchronous web methods on both client and server sides.
It also seems to me that your client program is a WinForm application, and
I believe using a delegate to call the web method is a nice approach which
will not block the message thread for the client. That is, your application
is responsive while the web method is under processing (after user clicking
Button2). On the server side, it access Oracle database which is

2. >> However i dont see any improvements to the speed of my application.

One reason why the asynchronous method call enables the performance is that
we can perform several tasks simultaneously. For example, your client
application is responsive and can perform other tasks when the web method
is processing on the remote system. If your application is just idle and
waiting for the delegate to be called, there is no difference between
synchronous and asynchronous method calls in terms of performance. It's of
the same case on server side, we are able to notice the performance
increase when there are several web methods calls coming in simultaneously.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any problems or concerns.

Have a nice day! :-)


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