Asynchronous Invoke and the UI thread (using delegates)


Armin Zingler

brisers said:

After studying some of the available resouces
I can see that it is forbidden to modify the UI directly from a
secondary worker thread. What I was wondering was whether I could
instantiate a form within my secondary thread, get some user input
and carry on until I finished? Does this break any rules of good
programming conduct?

That's possible. The only condition: The Form must not have any relation to
Forms created in other threads.


Armin Zingler

Armin Zingler said:
That's possible. The only condition: The Form must not have any
relation to Forms created in other threads.

"no relation" does not mean, it mustn't have a reference, but there mustn't
be a child/parent/owner relation.

In the new thread you can write:

sub threadmain OtherForm)

end sub

The thread ends as soon as the Form is closed.


Prester John

Add the following to your form and you can update its controls from another

CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False

Armin Zingler

Prester John said:
Add the following to your form and you can update its controls from
another thread:

CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False

This doesn't solve the problem. It only makes the runtime ignores faults.


Brian Gideon


No, I don't think it breaks any rules of programming conduct. The code
you provided will work fine provided that you understand that OtherForm
should remain completely independent from the other forms of your
application running on the main UI thread.

However, without knowning exactly what you're wanting to do I question
the need for another UI thread. Can't you collect all of the inputs
your worker thread needs before you start it? That way the worker
thread doesn't need any user interaction. The worker thread can use
Control.Invoke to marshal the execution of a delegate onto the main UI
thread as needed to communicate back to forms inside your application.


Armin Zingler

Brian Gideon said:

No, I don't think it breaks any rules of programming conduct. The
code you provided will work fine provided that you understand that
OtherForm should remain completely independent from the other forms
of your application running on the main UI thread.

That's what I wrote.
However, without knowning exactly what you're wanting to do

*I* don't want to do anything. :)


Brian Gideon

Yeah, somehow I totally confused you with the OP. Sorry about that.
My post was not directed at you :)


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