Windows Vista Asus Suck!!!


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah, and they follow every other bloody MB manufacturer out there.

Cheap, nastie components ... I'm gettin fed up with this crap being fed to us.

Games, what is it with games and sound & video "problems", and who is really to blame ... 'cos I wanna blame someone, and it ain't ME!!!

Second day in a row, I get that stupid Audio Repeat "bug" and have to CAD out of the game ...




I'm now looking for an alternative to the onboard AC97 crap on this Asus SLi-Premium MB

Bare in mind, my hearing is crap, so I don't need an all-singin-all-dancin fancy doda that will cost an arm or a leg ... not that my legs are any good.

Suggestions please, greatly appreciated, I'm no "real" gamer, I just like playin Guild Wars. :thumb:

Oh, and I use Vista. :lol:
What's the audio repeat bug, is it something specific to the game (or onboard sound)?.

Lemme have a rummage around and see if I have a spare sound card :)
Sorry ... infinite looping of sound ... just like the infamous nVidia infinite loop. ;)

I have two "spare" sound cards ... no Vista drivers for them either, never mind "Works with Vista definitely 100% no problem we assure you or your money back" guarantee.

Ah, if I did have one it would be ancient so probably no Vista drivers either :(
X-FI is the obvious answer. Not sure on the state of the Vista drivers though, and i know your not Creatives biggest fan Mucks! :D
wash your mouth out

V_R said:
X-FI is the obvious answer. Not sure on the state of the Vista drivers though, and i know your not Creatives biggest fan Mucks! :D
Hey! you been listening to my phone calls ?? I just been on the phone to my local guys, they offered me an audiediggiethingie ... I err, declined.

You are, however, correct ... ;)

Creative X-Fi Series - Creative drivers install but constantly stutter.
I have the stuter already ... so I dont need another one.

I'm looking, but there ain't much out there. :rolleyes:

Well, you found something different, and I appreciate that, but I don't "need" the £50 of extras it comes with.

The joke is on me ... onboard sound has always been enough for me, just does what I needed it to do, nothing fancy ... this is; OTT

Full-duplex 8CH 24bit/96kHz DAC / 2CH 16bit/48kHz ADC
- Integrated S/PDIF input/output supports 44.1kHz/48kHz/96kHz sample rate and 16/24bits resolution
- The world's first DTS¨ Connect logo program certificated PCI audio board
- DTS® Interactive : A real-time 5.1 encoder that takes any 2 or more channel and encodes it into - DTS® bit stream. DTS® Interactive provides a single cable connection via S/PDIF digital audio output to a DTS® enabled surround sound system by encoding all audio into a DTS® compatible bit stream at 1.5Mbps
- DTS® Neo:PC : An up mixing matrix technology that turns any 2 channel audio into 7.1 surround sound. DTS® Neo:PC, based upon DTS® Neo:6 matrix surround technology, transforms any stereo content such as MP3, WMA or CD audio, into a 7.1-channel surround sound experience
- Dolby® Digital Live(DDL) Real-Time Content Encoder converts PC audio into a 5.1 channel Dolby® Digital bit stream
- Swappable dual DIP type OPAMP controlled preamp circuit (4pcs output control OPAMP IC with - DIY socket, 2pcs MIC input control OPAMP IC with DIY socket)
- Max 2.8Vrms full swing analog output gain by unique preamp circuit / incredible powerful analog output, improve dynamic range / SNR
- Proper OPAMP control circuit (+8V, -8V dual power supply circuit) for high quality audio quality, prevent audio distortion at high volume level
- Package content: HDA X-PLOSION 7.1 DTS Connect Audio Card / MPC to MPC(2pin-2pin) CD S/PDIF audio cable / TOSLINK fiber optic digital cable

HEY! you edited your post ... :rolleyes: :p

Now I have to go check all the "chips" to see if they are "Vista Certified" ... I give up.

Must be the "Vista" thing Mucks because I have that board and not a single issue ever with the onboard sound.
oi, leave asus alone... instead blame realtek :)

when you look at them specs, looks more like gibberish to me - i suppose the 'only' choice you got is x-fi, there are other soundcard makers out there, but to find one thats fairly 'cheap' and works with vista is a tough find
Spezi said:
Must be the "Vista" thing Mucks because I have that board and not a single issue ever with the onboard sound.
I expect as much from XP ... I, along with many others, also expected the "brand leaders" to keep up ... they have had nearly five years to "get it right" but, there again, I knew there would be "troubles" as history ALWAYS repeats itself.

Asus built the MB, they, in this case, cut an expected corner, the onboard sound ... now, not being a real gamer I, at the time, was content with what I have ... the figures, at that time, were not available as to what actual "hardware" would not really be a good investment for Vista. :)

I actually ran Vista Beta for some time on The Old Girl, which happens to have a nVidia sound chip ... they have also taken some stick over their "drivers" for Vista, but they at least has an initial "solution" that worked.

We, the general populous, demanded that any new OS be made more secure and never crashed ... MS, in my opinion, did a pretty good job, but it is full of compromises ... especially the security aspects. But lets go back to the question in hand, sound.

Drivers can still bring XP to its knees, because it has kernel access, MS re-wrote that aspect on sound drivers so as it would NOT bring the system to its knees ... but, you need to have Vista Certified Hardware/Software for the system to not need a hard reboot, or CAD, to get you out of the mess a driver made.

Asus still suck ... but I conceed, are a little better than some others I could mention. ;)

I have made my bed, I'll sleep fine ... I like to rant with the rest. :D

perhaps its not your computer, maybe its you hearing you should be ranting about ;)
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